This work is dedicated: 

·        to Kopernik (according to the Polish spelling) my compatriot who,  nearly five hundred years ago, showed to  mankind that we had to gain while raising the head to the sky, and who reconciled us with the stars towards which, one day, we  will fly away; 

·        to  Kervran, my intellectual guide who, five hundred years later, showed to us  that we  have nothing to lose by lowering the head towards this ground with the so rich transmutations, and who  reconciled us  with the micro-organisms which,  billion years ago preceded us  in this universe... as if  to encourage us to imitate their know-how... to survive; 

·        to those who are  " in love with science "

·        to  Jozefa Suplicka and Szczepan Glapa, my courageous parents...and to my brother John and his son Frederic who have created the French  web site.[].. 








Introduction  7



Chapter I

The phenomenon of calefaction  9


Chapter II

The calefaction  of the drop called  Earth  15


Chapter III

Stellar  calefaction 19


Chapter Iv

Birth of a star or  of abrood of stars 25


Chapter V

The metamorphosis of a star  29


Chapter VI

Another enigma of astronomy:  the nova 35


Chapter Vii

Outline of a history of the solar system 39


Chapter Viii

The effect < < K > > or transmutation by low energy 47


Chapter Ix

The planet  Earth 55


Chapter X

How was born our moon 61


Chapter Xi

Second pregnancy of our  Earth  73


Chapter Xii

Gravitational engine 79


Conclusion 91


Bibliography  93





It is by looking at all around us that , little by little,we shall build the spaceship that our civilisation does not possess  yet:  I hope that the reader will not discourage himself too quickly and that he  will  let me take him along on the paths which made me discover that the construction of such a vessel was possible. 

Thus let us start with the experiment that made me reflect.  

It is a curious experiment that everyone can make.  You  heat a frying pan  until it is very hot, i.e. during five minutes approximately (until close to 400°).  You then drop just one drop of water.  Will it evaporate instantaneously?  It will  not.  It moves  on the bottom of the frying pan or rather  skate in long artistic curves... during several minutes sometimes (fig. 1).  It is called calefaction  or the phenomenon of Leidenfrost...

Johan Leidenfrost,a German doctor, was  the first learner that  studied  in detail, these  strange, drops   about the year 1756...

Our drop did not fit its velvet shoes to slip on the volcanic  floor of the frying pan.  It just  float on a very thin layer of water vapor which it releases and which maintains it at a small fraction of millimetre above surface.  This vapor cushion is used as heat insulator.  It can be formed only when the temperature reaches a certain value (400° approximately).  Below this temperature, the water drop evaporates much more quickly, all the more quickly when  the temperature of the frying pan decreases...




Pict. 1

An American scientist, D.C. Blanchard, wrote a very interesting book on this subject:  Drops of rain and volcanos...  Weather adventures on the surface of the sea  collection " Science-pocket ", Dunod editions. 

We have just studied the behavior of a drop which takes its flight and slips, during a few minutes, above a mini-volcano.  It is sufficient to carry us to the countries of  dreams... or of  nightmares when one thinks of the machine with infernal vapor invented two centuries ago ..

In spite of the many explosions which made it dangerous at its beginnings, the machine with vapor knew, before the advent of the petrol engine, i.e. before the twentieth century, a happy period. Serious people studied it, improved it and other people, less serious, gave it  up . 

I found in an old scientific magazine of 1921” la Science et la Vie”  a so interesting article on this old smoking monster that I  will quote  it  to you.

This article was written by  Clement Casciani (n°56, p497). 

The steam- engine  needs  a special apparatus for the production of steam, i.e. the boiler or generator which   is more or less large and may explose  ...  It was initially  these dangers of explosions that had to be evoided ..  Boutigny, by a series of experiments,has showed that one of its causes, the principal one, consisted in the phenomenon of calefacion. We  know  what it is if, after  heatig  to red a capsule or a metalic basin, and pouring  then a few grams of water,this water doesn't  spread out just like  it  does  at  ordinary temperature,, it takes the shape of a  flat sphere,  we say that it passes  into a  spheroidal state.  In this state it moves  round and round in  a fast gyratory movement, and it does not vaporize any more but  very slowly, that is to say fifty times less quickly than in the ordinary state at 200°.  Lastly, if the capsule or the basin cools, it arrives one moment when the spheroid state ceases; then  water wets surface  and a violent boiling, a kind  of explosion occurs suddenly.  All the liquids can take the spheroid state at temperatures , according to  their point of boiling ...

The experiment still succeeds when one practises it in  vacuum... If one studies in experiments these curious phenomena one recognizes soon that the fact of the constitution of the spheroid state coincides with a separation of the liquid from the heated wall;  the released vapor  raises the drop , thus withdrawing it out of the action of gravity.  These facts are very significant from the point of view of the power supply of the boilers.  Indeed, when one heats to  red  temperature a small boiler, closed by a  stopper with  a narrow opening by which a light vapor jet passes, the latter has only very weak tension , as long as the water put in the boiler is in a spheroid state,, when the temperature is lowered sufficiently so that water wets the walls, a  jerk passes by the opening, and the stopper is projected violently, in spite of the presence of this kind of   valve.  Thus, vaporization, almost null initially, takes an enormous value suddenly as soon as the walls cool.  The spheroid state ceases and the vapor mass formed in one moment  can make  the boiler jump, exactly in the same way that the gases suddenly released in  the explosion of a sufficient quantity of powder...

I  stop  now this long quotation, of a very great richness, to reassure the reader. 

Boutigny, then Serpollet especially, invented non-explosible generators and instantaneous vaporization in order to avoid the formation of the spheroid state...and its   explosion  thus  disappears....  The Serpollet generator was even applied to the automobile locomotion.  Its idea was taken up by Paul Jacquot about 1920, who obtained astonishing results. 



But it is not in a steam-engine that I intend to take you along on a journey. 

 However it  will lead us to create the marvellous machine which will enable us to fly  towards stars.  But it is necessary for me to underline some essential points of the preceding quotation so that the reader might understand, in the explanations on the formation of stars, planets, of the satellites, and on their evolution, how much calefaction makes it possible to make " stick " these explanations with the current data of astronomy. 

The spheroid state or calefaction can appear at very low temperatures, all depends on the solid, liquid or gas body that is considered. 

The sulfurous acid, for example, vaporizing towards 10° below zero, will be in calefaction towards this temperature. 

Calefaction being possible  in the vacuum of laboratory, we will not be astonished  it can appear in interstellar spaces, which are extremely cold but which do not know, as one have believed for a long time,  perfect vacuum. 

The system” caléfactoire” is based on two opposed movements, one which involves micro-drops towards the outside of the system, the other one which tightens the liquid by very fast rotation. 

The first movement gives what I will call a cushion “caléfactoire”. The second gives a spheroid mass...  We will see that it is the case of stars, planets and satellites.  The system “caléfactoire seems formed of two antagonistic structures, one liquid, in rotation around a center and the other gaseous one, ejected towards outside.  This has its importance, knowing that currently the scientists, especially Stéphane Lupasco, of the national scientific research Center, recognize that a system cannot be energetic if it is not composed of two antagonistic  structures or two opposed structures...

As this system “caléfactoire” is actuated by a gyratory movement which can be more or less fast, I will call it accelerated  calefaction or slowed down calefaction 

The ejected matter will be, as I have already specified, the cushion “caléfactoire”, according to  the image of the air cushion pulsated out of our hydroplanes. 

A last point is to be  taken into account:  a voilent evaporation  occurs when the system is cooled... or when the spheroid cannot keep its structure in rotation any more... for lack of matter, as it is the case at the end of the warming Sometimes this violent evaporation of the system caused catastrophes in the steam- engines  (one saw one it to fall down on the roof of the station where the accident occurred!). 

We will see that the explosions which upset stars,  planets and  satellites could be explained, partly, by a similar phenomenon.  These first steps, you will say, are far from being the prelude to the escape...

However ,they will lead us on the take-off runway...




It is by reading a scientific article of popularization in a French review on the recent theories of the formation of stars that I got  the idea to explain any star in rotation by calefaction...

The latter, indeed, was the phenomenon which gave the formation of a spheroid mass which was flattened more and more to take a discoïdale form as its number of revolutions increased.  It was there, roughly speaking  the process of formation of a star.  Moreover, I knew that the space experiments had proven the solar existence of wind, i.e. of particles ejected by the sun, which is a star, in the form of hydrogen especially. 

This sun or this star was animated of a rotational movement and had a cushion “caléfactoire”...  It is what encouraged me to dig more.. At this point of time I found the book of D.C. Blanchard, quoted higher, About drops of rain and volcanos   in which the author describes an experiment easy to realize proving that the cushion “caléfactoire” was charged positively and that the positive charge of our atmosphere essentially seems due to the formation of micro-drops on the surface of the  sea, micro-drops which rise up to  very high altitude by carrying their positive charge  D.C. Blanchard brings back its marine and volcanic peregrinations a careful conclusion but which I find very interesting.  Thus let us listen to him: 

By light winds on the sea, this one wrinkles One sees small waves, but not scum.  In the areas of  violent winds  and storms, scum can cover more than 10% of the surface of the sea.  But, on average, there is between 3 and 4% of the world oceanic surface which are covered with scum.  However, such a surface of scum and bubbles impress.  It corresponds to approximately 1,3% of the surface of the United States.  It is estimated that at least twenty  or thirty bubbles burst each second on each square centimetre of this surface.

Even without calculating it, you can imagine the fantastic number of droplets of jets which are projected towards the sky each second by all the oceans of the world...  If each one of these droplets carries a positive load, then a current of positive electricity must be established from the  sea to the atmosphere. 

A great number, perhaps the majority of the droplets of jets, do not escape the attraction from gravity for more than a few seconds and return  to the sea with their electric charge.  These droplets cannot influence the electric state of the atmosphere, but  other droplets,, as we have seen in the two final chapters, are projected higher into the atmosphere and can spend there  hours or  days before falling down in the sea.  Any charge they carry  can and must influence the electric state of the atmosphere. 

In short, from its study, Blanchard draws the careful conclusion that the positive charge of the atmosphere and that of the storms, seems due to two essential causes:  the calefaction of the micro-droplets above the oceans and the action of the lava of the hundreds of marine volcanos of our planet always in activity which starts an intense local calefaction of salted water drops. 



D.C. Blanchard studied the calefaction of the isolated water drop, but only the side "  electric charge " of this phenomenon has interested him   to prove  that the sea, for the two causes stated previously, was the principal source of the electricity of our atmosphere...

The calefaction of the water drop, by its rotation, its shape of sphere flattened at the poles, by its external positive charge and its cushion “caléfactoire”, presents a striking analogy with the rotation of our planet, its spherical  form flattened at the poles and positive charge of its atmosphere due to the ejected  salted  micro-droplets which are used as cushion “caléfactoire”.  

We discover a calefaction that I will call macroscopic one...

The voyage, to which I invited you at the beginning of this book while starting with the study of the tiny drop in calefaction, takes form:  our tiny machine was metamorphosed into planetary vessel... because we are in the immense  drop of matter in calefaction which is our planet. 

Another fact comes to reinforce this idea.  The last experiments of satellites prove that beyond the magnetosphere which surrounds the Earth's atmosphere, is a sphere with the purple reflections due to expelled atoms of hydrogen out of the Earth  This hydrogen would come from dissociation at very high altitude of the water vapor which the atmosphere contains. 

Whereas the atoms of oxygen fall down in the atmosphere, the atoms of hydrogen, animated by  speed , escape in the interplanetary medium where they are excited by certain solar emissions hence  the purple color of our sphere around 100 000 km of altitude for any observer which, like the lunar astronauts, moves towards the Earth or moves away from there (fig. 2). 

 When we study  the transmutations by weak energy, we will see however that this hydrogen could also come from a cleavage starting from the chemical elements present in the upper atmosphere. 

 This hydrogen, which evaporates thus in cosmos at the rate of several tens of tons per day, form an additional cushion caléfactoire around our planet...  This one, using its atmosphere and its water as  cushion “caléfactoire”,just like does it a water drop, without moderation or system of economy, would be soon deprived of atmosphere and water.  Thanks to the magnetic belt which surrounds it at very high altitude, the greatest volume of this cushion remains around the Earth....  Only hydrogen escapes partly to form the purple halo...


The scientists think that such a process probably involved, since the billion years that it lasts, a lowering of several tens of meters of the level of the oceans.  When one knows the current depth of these oceans, one can deduce that our planet still has a beautiful good future in front of it...

We will see in a next chapter that this external calefaction of our sphere is also accompanied by the internal calefaction  of the core and, that the currents of convections created by this last one in the mantle, provoke antagonistic calefaction of two baby- cores...  It is there that is made the gestation of the second moon...  But let us not anticipate



Let us leave our small terrestrial laboratory to escape towards space...towards  more brilliant, more beautiful stars.  

The nearest to us  is, you've guessed it, the sun. 

What sun?  It is a question which some of my pupils asked me when we spoke about it.  And some also were very astonished when I said to them that it was a star. 

A star which forms part of a branch,just like a bud .....  On this branch there are many buds and our sun forms also part of a star cloud which forms one of the multiple branches of our galaxy... And our galaxy is like a tree in a forest because, it also belongs to a group of galaxies.  And  there are billion galaxies  in our universe ...

We can, just like the microbes on a bud,  admire a scrap of this large tree which is our galaxy. 

By one clear night , we can see, indeed, the Milky Way which forms most of the galactic tree.   As soon as we want to see the other trees which surround us, it is necessary  to use a telescope .. 

Our galaxy includes between 200 to 300 billion stars which are assembled in gigantic veins rolled up around the core of the galaxy.  And there are billion galaxies of any size in our universe.The  largest of them being able to include until  5 00 000 billion stars approximately, according to probability calculuses of the astronomers. 

Dust that our sphere near all that, micro-dust of dust that  Man in this fantastic universe.  Might the Very Important Persons  of our humanity become aware of it one day... and perhaps that their pride which, sometimes, does not know limits, would take its exact dimension of microbubble which inflates and bursts.  But let us divert our glances from what occurs on our dusty planet to go to heat our heart and our spirit near our mother  of all:the  Sun. 

The sun, though quite modest by its size, its weight and its glare when compared to other stars other stars, is for us, an immense luminous ball which is at 150 million kilometers from us.  I will not speak about his fantastic dimensions compared to those of our Earth, the interested reader will find all that he wishes  in one of the many books which currently exist.  What interests us   is  knowing that our sun turns on itself, while skating in the galactic space and this in 25,4 days at its equator whereas close to the poles its duration of rotation is of more than 29 days...

Let us note that it is, just like our planet, slightly flattened with the poles because of its rotation. 

Before 1957 and the first experiments by artificial satellites, the scientists thought that the terrestrial atmosphere and the magnetic field decreased as one moved away from our planet and that they " disappeared " literally in the interstellar space which separated us from the sun.  An almost perfect vacuum separated, all things considered, Earth from the sun, just like from other stars of our galaxy. 


Thanks to the satellites launched since 1957, there remains nothing  more of these old designs.  It is known now that  our Earth is plunged in a current of neutral or charged particles emitted by the sun and by other stars. 

The majority of them come from the sun, and they are especially particles of ionized hydrogen, positive;  one calls this solar wind. The sun has, in the same way, a magnetic field which, although different from ours, is used as guide with these particles which are lost at the borders of the solar system...  Sometimes,  jets of charged particles, while superimposing on usual solar wind, come to strike our magnetosphere and  they produce magnetic storms that the specialists out of radio and radar know well... as well as "aurora borealis"described by  geography books (fig. 3) (1).



(1) To consult " solar wind " in Sciences - review of scientific civilization, n°71, March-April 1971, p37 to44, by Michel Aubry and J.C. Cerisier.  It is an already old article but which has the merit to be very clear and very complete  (interesting bibliography at the end of the article!). 

This solar wind is generating  energy.  The Earth stores part of this energy in its magnetosphere in the form of trapped particles that indefinitely spin  from one pole to the other to form an ionized area which bears the name of belt of Van Allen, of the name of the researcher who has discovered it.  This belt reinforces the terrestrial magnetic field and gives an  additional calefactory  cushion ...

The sun, by its solar wind and its rotation thus knows the  caléfactory process,just  like all the other stars .  It is what a recent American space experiment of 1971 has proved :. 

Satellite OCO-5 detected a wind of hydrogen coming from the constellations of the Scorpion and Sagittarius.  This wind sweeps our solar system permanently, moving at the speed of approximately 16 000 km per hour. 

By knowing that the galaxy is made of stars in calefaction which just as easily eject an enormous mass of matter, we can say that our galaxy also has  a  caléfactory cushion.  As it turns on itself, to make a small turn in 250 000 years approximately, we can say that all the galaxies also answer the two essential criteria of calefactory: rotation and caléfactory cushion and that thus, all the stars seem to obey a common process:  the calefactory phenomenon .

This calefaction, for the alive stars, involves extraordinary modifications inside them and inside the planets. 


Earth, the sun, the galaxy have a core which,  also, turns on itself and induces the movements of convection within the planetary or stellar or galactic mantle  Incredible similarity which gives, within the terrestrial mantle, two antagonistic baby-cores, within the sun, a half-dozen of baby cores and, within the galactic arms some myriades of  star broods! 

This great similarity involves also a similarity in creation.  The planet, starting from its two baby-cores, will lay a satellite, the star, our sun in particular, from its baby cores, will lay  several  planets .  Our galaxy, within the galactic arms, myriade of stars (fig 4).

There is a logic of creation which was not seen by the astronomers hitherto.  It is the internal mechanism of this creation or laying that I will endeavour to show ..

To conclude I must confess that we ignore almost everything about what is going on in the core

of a galaxy....A famous American astronomer,HALTON ARP;has made a tremendous discovery


We have seen, in the last chapter, that  vacuum does not exist between the stars although until these last years astronomers  did not accept this" ether idea "  in which planets, stars and galaxies would be plunged. 

The space probes showed that Earth  ejects hydrogen, that there is also a significant solar wind, formed of hydrogen especially, ejected by the sun. 

By generalizing this phenomenon of particulate ejection, we deduced that all the stars of the galaxy undergo the process of calefaction.  How could calefaction appear  to give birth to a star, within the galactic arms? 

Which is the raw material that seems to flow in the arms of the galaxy to  turn, just like  immense drops in calefaction,and become a    brood of stars?

The contemporary astronomers discovered that galactic dust accumulates in immense clouds around the galaxy and between its arms, in a quantity such as these clouds contain more matter than stars of this galaxy.  These clouds are made especially of neutral or ionized hydrogen but contain also all the bodies which exist on our planet: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, helium, lithium, sodium, etc.  Very recently, radio astronomy even detected complex clouds of molecules: water molecules, carbon dioxide,  carbon monoxide and molecules close to the amino acids which are at the origin of life:  chlorophyl,  carbinol,  hydrocyanic acid and   acid molecules containing the four hydrogen elements, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.....

When it is known that there is also dust of carbon, silica and iron, one would be almost tempted to speak about galactic pollution.  It is not true, fortunately.  The best vacuum, than can carry out the physicists in laboratory, lets remain a few thousands of atoms or molecules per cubic centimeter, whereas in interstellar space there is of it only one ten per cubic centimeter.  But it is the accumulation of this dust at considerable distances which makes that one can observe these clouds which it forms;  clouds which make certain areas of our galaxy almost obscure, whereas it is known that stars of all kinds are there;  their light is simply absorbed by these clouds of dust and is not able to bore them so much the distances on which they extend are astronomical...

How the stars can condense starting from these clouds?  Here is  the explanation that Alastair G.W. Cameron gives in an article of the "Atome" review   of November 1969. 

It seems that the formation of stars must start with the gravitational collapse of  one of these interstellar clouds... Such a cloud starts  the process of condensation and formation of stars in only two or three million years. 

Throughout collapse, individual portions of cloud can appear, independently from each other according to a process called fragmentation...  Finally, the cloud can be subdivided in fragments whose mass differs little from that of the sun. 

Let us consider the history of one of these fragments.  When it belonged to the original cloud, it undoubtedly turned very slowly on itself, perhaps once only by revolution of the cloud around the galactic center.  Nevertheless, the fragment condenses, its angular momentum is preserved, it is the observation of a fundamental law of physics.  You point out that the angular momentum is the product number of revolutions by the distance to the point around which this rotation is done.  As the fragment narrows, the distance to the centre of rotation  decrease continuously, which implies a continual increase number of revolutions of the matter in the fragment...

There I stop this quotation which describes, in fact, a phenomenon caléfactoire...  The author continues his demonstration to show that around these new stars,  smaller fragments , by this phenomenon of accretion,  form planets...

It is there that there is, as the reader  will see , a pit between my assumption and the official assumption of creation of planets.

This phenomenon of accretion is an assumption which does not explain the formation of  gaseous and solid planets , the procession of satellites which surrounds especially gaseous  planets, the belts of asteroids between Jupiter and Mars, the bizarreries of rotation of Venus and Uranus, the eccentricity of the external satellites  of gaseous planets, and, especially, the stage of evolution of planets and of their satellites. 

My calefactoire assumption  of internal formation of planets starting from the stellar coat enables me to clarify all these anomalies with more certainty...

It is also the lack of astronomical observations of creation of planets starting from smaller fragments which encouraged me to seek, in other observations, a different probability of creation...

Nowadays, however, a fact is well established:  that of the creation of stars starting from the calefaction  of intra-galactic clouds. Observations of the areas close to the galactic center prove that these areas contain a great number of very special stars called " T Tauri ".  They emit matter in enormous quantity (approximately ten million times what the sun ejects in the form of solar wind).  This foolish expenditure of energy and matter stops only at the time when the protostar or incipient star or " T.Tauri " acquire a sufficiently dense structure to release  energy by thermonuclear conversion of hydrogen into helium as it is the case for our sun today. At  this stage, the star reaches a central temperature of ten million degrees, temperature which makes it possible to start the fusion of hydrogen.

One can say that the star ignites.  It is supposed that the star radiates then very strongly in blue or the ultraviolet ray, before it was only one large red disc very often invisible because hidden by dust and the matter which it ejected...  This intense radiation, would condense heavier dust in planetary system similar to the planetary system of our sun.  It is there, as I already said, the official assumption on the formation of planets.  One wants, in spite of the many contributions of astronomy, atomic physics and chemistry  to remain at the miraculous stage of the first biblical day...

I make a point of specifying, once more, that according to the process of formation of stars evoked previously, we note that the star is born thanks to calefaction.  How this one can it be created within galactic clouds?  Observations of the center of the galaxy of these last years, make it possible to say that this one is the seat of fantastic explosions.  Most of this energy will be used  to impulse calefaction of the  intragalactic clouds.  This immense bottom of frying-pan  which is the galactic core, and the spirals close to it, will heat the clouds and will trap the latter to form protostars. However, today, in 1998, the astronomers still acknowledge that this process is, in spite of his apparent simplicity, very complex.

That this diving in the heart of our galaxy gave to the reader the desire for going to breathe an air more oxygenated, I conceive it perfectly.  Also, after having attended the terrible birth of our child Sun, we will follow his growth and will leave in cruising with him to the borders the galaxy... May the stellar winds inflate our sails! 




The fate reserved for stars differs in general only according to their mass:  those whose mass is once and half the mass of our sun explode, whereas the smallest ones seem to get worn very quickly while turning at high speed around the galaxy, just like comets in our solar system.  However, whatever its mass, whatever its lifespan and its environment, there are solitary stars,   binary, ternary stars, etc.  A star changes form, often in a rather explosive way. Sometimes it grows bigger, sometimes it loses.  So that, to keep its angular momentum - this angular momentum is a constant number and is the product of the ray of the star by its rotational speed on itself  - it either will slow down, or  accelerate...  This irregular rotation of a star proves that it undergoes irreversible internal transformations which, added to the loss of energy in the form of solar wind,  wears our immense matter -drop away .....  Very often its death is explosive, and is comparable with that of the water drop in calefaction..

We know for a long time that the sun moves in the galaxy. Not only it turns on itself in twenty-five days approximately but it skates by describing an ellipse around the galactic core and accomplishes a  turn in some 225 million years approximately.  It is thought that it achieved thus, year in year out  about thirty turns.  It is today an " old " star which is almost outside the galaxy (fig. 4). 

Which fate is reserved for it?  We know now that the fate of a star depends on its mass.  A normal star, of mass lower than 1,5 times the mass of the sun, by a slow contraction, will be transformed into a dwarf white one then a dwarf black one when all its matter is degenerated. 

The stars whose mass is higher than 1,5 times that of the sun undergo an extremely powerful explosive phenomenon called supernova .  Here is a long extract of a very beautiful book written by a considered American astronomer, Ganow:  A star named  sun  published by Dunod.  It is a splendid description of supernova. 

Here is what one finds in the Chronicle of the royal Observatory of Peking:  " In the first year of the Chiwha period, on the fifth moon the day of Chi-cabbage (July 4 in1054), a large star appeared with a few inches in the south-east of You IEN-Xuan (Zêta star of the Bull).  It took  more than one year to die out." 

By looking at the point of the sky where the Chinese astronomers had observed this new star, one sees something of very interesting:  it is the nebula of Crab.  That resembles hardly more one crab than the constellation of the Virgin does  resemble  a virgin...  The astronomers know it for a long time, but it has been only for a few decades that Walter Baade and Fritz Zwickey, of the observatory of the Wilson mount made the bringing together with the new star observed by the Chinese nine centuries before.  The comparison of the old photographs and those taken more recently shows that this nebula dilates gradually;  by dividing his current angular diameter by his speed of expansion observed, one finds that the beginning of this expansion, starting from a central point, goes about back to nine centuries. That shows that the nebula of Crab is well the remainder of the new star observed by the Chinese. 

In the emission spectrum of the nebula of Crab, the Dopplet effect indicates that this one dilates at 1 111 km a second.  Its speed of expansion, observed directly, being of 0,18 second of arc per annum, one finds that its distance to Earth is approximately 5 000 years lights.  According to the Chinese declarations, this very beautiful star was a star of first size;  it thus seems that by its maximum its brightness was  comparable with that of all joined together stars of the Milky Way.  While Novae ordinary are about a hundred and thousand times more brilliant than the sun, the Chinese star of the Bull was at least a million times more brilliant.  Such giant stellar explosions, called supernovas, are much rarer than the ordinary novae. 

Since the Chinese time of the supernova, the Milky Way saw only two explosions of a comparable violence.  One occurred in 1572 in the constellation of Cassiopée, and Tycho Brahé described it in its book De Nova Stella.  A similar explosion took place  thirty years later, and was observed by the assistant of Tycho Brahé, Johannes Képler. 

We said that the enormous quantity of energy released in the explosion of a nova represented only one little fraction of calorific and gravitational energy  contained in a  star and that, consequently, an ordinary nova could explode several times during  its lifetime.  For a supernova the question is very different, because the total energy released in only one explosion... is equivalent to the total energy stored in a  star. 

An explosion of supernova is thus the last moment of a star.  What  are the causes of this explosion-suicide which puts an end to the glorious life of a star?  Not here than elsewhere, in this chapter, one cannot call upon the usual nuclear reactions.  It must be a question of a kind of instability of the body of the star which allows the release in the space of gigantic quantities of calorific energy accumulated in its interior... "

What does it result from this terrifying explosion?  A star, by its mass, its volume, is not a water drop.  If the latter destroys..a. star is much too massive to burst in space as well as a grenade by projecting its remainders out of the center of explosion. It bursts, certainly, but it is its surface part which flies in glares;  it creates for itself a wave of pressure directed towards the interior, wave extremely energetic which causes an acceleration and thus an incredible compression of this core...  The result, we have it under the eyes, currently, it is the nebula of Crab. 

Our star did not die.  It simply was transmuted... i.e. transformed into a new stellar body. 

These new stars thus created are called radio sources initially,then pulsars  or neutron stars. 

We know that the sun fires, currently, sufficient energy to maintain its calefaction by atomic reactions where hydrogen is consumed to give helium. 

It however arrives a moment when the core of helium grew bigger so much that the fuel in the form of hydrogen is not enough   for caléfacting this  increasingly significant mass  of helium.  The star slows down considerably its calefaction and the stored energy is released so abruptly that it projects , in the form of gas made up of hydrogen, the outer mantle...  And the core of helium released from the external carapace will swell and helium goes, in its turn, to be used as fuel to form heavier cores which will give a new heart to the star...  These cores are composed of atoms of lithium, carbon, oxygen... in turn, that finally give an iron core.  However, these new nuclear reactions will absorb a very large energy and will create more and more extremely energetic particles which one calls neutrinos and anti-neutrinos.  These particles are so energetic that they do not remain in the star.  They slip by through galactic space without no obstacle being able practically to stop them... carrying  an enormous energy...  This obliges a star to more and more quickly consume the new fuel created by the new nuclear reactions...  Thus, when it is the oxygen which is used as fuel, one counts that the latter is hardly burnt in one year ! 

Many stars seem at this stage in our galaxy because they present variations of very abrupt glares during increasingly short time which make think of the time of consumation of a body as oxygen or potassium...

Thus the stage arrives where, after having created the first elements of the table of Mendéléïeff which one studies in chemistry, to destroy them at once, the star produces iron.  This one would be the most stable element of the universe... It stops this race by the suicide of the star.  Any nuclear reaction becoming impossible, the star will have to contract in a different way to continue its caléfaction. And as  atoms, after all, are made of protons, electrons and of separated neutrons, , the best solution is to crush these iron atoms to create a billion times  smaller star : a  neutron star or pulsar...

The energy of rotation of the star will be provided by reactions between protons, electrons and neutrons to form a gas known as degenerated, so dense that a drop of this matter would weigh several tons!  A new particle is formed that one calls " high-energy particle ". 

When the first pulsar was identified in 1968, in the heart of this famous nebula of the Crab  which we have described , it created general amazement in the world of astronomy.  This star merged with an extremely powerful radio source detected before by the radio astronomers.  The emissions were done according to one very short period of 33 milliseconds.  Some even spoke then about extraterrestrial civilizations which wanted to communicate with other inhabited worlds.  But the twinkling source coincided well with the radio source and that in the geometrical center of the nebula of Crab. There was no more possible doubt:  it was well  remains of the terrible Chinese supernova of year 1054.  The pulsar which was born from this explosion measured however only approximately ten kilometers in diameter and had an incredible density.  The final core of the dying star was condensed within inconceivable limits...  The angular momentum of which we have spoken, to remain constant, required a terrible acceleration of the star, the ray having decreased considerably, the rotational speed had to increase in identical proportions.  A skater who lowers his arms, therefore decreases his ray, turns more quickly...  The new formed star turns on itself at a tremendous speed: 33 milliseconds.  The magnetic field thus created is of an incredible intensity (nearly 10 power 12 gauss, whereas it is one gauss for our sun and some hundredths of gauss for Earth).  Only the electrons can escape by the magnetic poles of this star, sweeping the universe at the rhythm of the rotation of  the pulsar... from where these radioelectric and luminous pulsations like those of a formidable headlight at the end of our galaxy.  IT  is 100 million times the power radiated by our sun! 

Contemporary astronomers, Annet and Delano, think that this fantastic explosion, which gives a pulsar, creates also all the heavy elements which have as a number of mass 20 to 62... that these elements partly form the crown or nebula to scatter then in the galaxy and to enrich younger stars. 

I should however specify that the creation of the natural elements which exist on our planet does not require this enormous energy leading to pulsar.  The study of the transmutations by weak energy of Kervran studied in a next chapter will make it possible to the reader to better seize the importance of this recent discovery due to professor Kervran. 

Some of the experiments he presents are irrefutable... and reproducible... and yet the effect " K ", thus called, is not taken into account by the astronomers... it is an error. 



We know that all the stars do not undergo the fate of massive stars and do not finish in supernova or pulsar.  However, it would seem that every star, massive or not, undergoes changes presenting  explosive and luminous characters that sometimes approach the glare of a supernova.  It is what we call according to the term invented by Tycho Brahé:  nova stella or new star.  It   is a surface explosive stage that all the stars of our galaxy  would have known, at least once and even twice.

The phenomenon " nova " is very complex because very irregular.  One observes explosions which are repeated sometimes after a few months, sometimes after a few tens of days.  Sometimes, still, the star is illuminated in nova to begin again very quickly and apparently for million years, its glare of antan...  The supernova can reproduce in our galaxy about once every forty years, without besides being always visible from Earth..  During this time, seven hundred novae will occur...

Most of these novae implies stellar couples composed  of a white dwarf  and of a yellow or red giant star...  It is the white dwarf  one, very dense and very small star which would swallow the matter ejected by the giant star.   So that the astronomers speak about " stellar vampirism ".

Serge Jodra, in an  impassioning article of the review Sky and space  of January 98 described very well this binary phenomenon.  The mechanism which he proposes is undoubtedly valid for the binary ones....  I however make a point of specifying that the astronomers think that the nova is a very complex phenomenon...  They distinguish six explosive classes of novae in addition. 

We will see especially the nova known as " ordinary ", i.e. the nova shown by  the solitary stars like our sun.  I've  worked out a theory different  from the one given by Serge Jodra, inevitably, since dealing with another class of nova  different from that of the binary novae. 

Let us describe one of them, the nova Aquila, in the constellation of the Eagle, in 1918. 

One should not confuse this nova with that very recent of 1994 which relates to a binary just in the same constellation. 

June 8, it reached the glare of Sirius, one of the most brilliant stars of our galaxy.  It was the star of the victory for the soldiers of 1918...  However, as it was located at a distance of 400 parsecs, its real explosion goes up at the  century.of Charlemagne..  Nowadays, it is nothing any more but one small star magnitude 11.  It was a star of  size 2 , now recorded on the photographs but invisible with the naked eye

June 7, 1918, it is the seat of a fantastic explosion which makes it. reach  size 6  at the evening of June 7.  June 8, it is shown like an apparent star of first size and overrides all stars visible in the night from the 9 to June 10.  It is then 10 000 times more brilliant than three days before! 

But this illumination is only transitory.  The following night, the glare decreases already and this gradually, so that at the end of the same year, it becomes again invisible with the naked eye.  It finds its primitive glare in 1924-1925.  Spectroscopic observations reveal considerable radial speeds (more than 1000 km a second) due to the explosion of its external layers and with an expulsion of part of its photosphere. 

The American astronomer Barnard,  at the end of 1918, in his large telescope of the Yerkes Observatory, close to Chicago, discovers a small nebulous envelope which does not cease growing...  Its glare weakens and, in 1941, it is still photographed in infra-red light.  Other observations of nova prove that the ejected gases are ejected mainly in two opposite directions... and  the gas masses can be observed sometimes in the form of lengthened nebulosity, centered on the star, sometimes in the form of two or several small stains which separate slowly (sometimes these two forms appear together). 

This extraordinary phenomenon, once more, makes you think of the laying of several planets...  Rare are the astronomers who accept this assumption of planet laying at the time of a nova...  A contemporary astronomer, an American named Turner however developed this assumption without giving the energetic  process which allows this ejection.

I've  worked out this energetic process by studying the internal system of the sun and that of the our Earth.  Indeed, the process of planet expulsion evoked above also seemed to me very plausible during the evolution of planets and generated in this case a laying of satellite.



We could not have approached this chapter without seeing, before, how the stars  are born   It is much more easier now to.understand its life and its history...

Let us take our sun at the stage of its birth.  It is when it was initially a T.Tauri star, it  was  red, large, turning quickly, so  quickly that it changes aspect quickly and becomes almost purple when it " ignites " by nuclear reactions.  It is not alone besides since we know now that  stars are born by " broods ". Thus one finds ternary stars, binary stars... and sometimes more , caléfacting together...

Our sun was detached from the original group to which it belonged. Let us note however that the  nearest star to us is a double star.  In short,it is alone  for reasons which we are unaware of, but perhaps after cataclysms of the  " supernovas "style bursting in the vicinity of the brood,  being alone thus, our sun will have a calmer destiny...

By studying its internal structure, we learn that it is made of a core, and  a  mantle of matter in convection...  This coat is especially made of hydrogen which " will burn " during nearly 10 billion years to enrich the helium core as we specified in the chapter about  the supernova.  Our sun is about  half of its life old .

The spectral analysis, i.e. of the various luminous lines emitted by the sun, gives 75% of hydrogen, 23% of helium, while oxygen, carbon and  nitrogen represent less than 1,5%, whereas the other elements are only 0,5%. 

Apparently, our " stew-pan with nuclear reactions " seems rather simple. It is not quite true.  The observation of the photosphere and of the chromosphere reveals an intense activity...  The appearance of the dark stains and of the luminous faculae, at rather regular periods, every 11 years approximately ,shows explosions with ejection of enormous quantities of matter as in 1997, .  The  electromagnetic radiations, the flows of x-rays, ultraviolet  and visible rays  prove that our stewpan is hiding  intense nuclear reactions which provide a considerable energy.  The currents of convection caused by the formed gases and which are propagated to surface are much more complex than the currents of " Coriolis " of our planet.  However  it  generates   a regular magnetic field, although being reversed every 11 years ,whereas our inversions of the terrestrial magnetic field have more dubious periods but makes me think of a certain " internal " similarity with our planet Earth..... 

It is certain, currently, that the terrestrial field is due only because our planet is still alive, i.e. it is cmposed of a viscous core and of a mantle  almost liquid,to the  contrary of our lunar satellite or Mars, for example, which are dead  planets .  This core in rotation generates in the mantle matter swirls which are detected under the name of " currents of Coriolis ".  The northern current  turns left,just the contrary  of the rotation of the pointers of a watch...

In 1974, I published, a work of 150 pages approximately, entitled:  Universal Calefaction.   My work was mentioned by L Kervran, p302 in its  Proofs in biology of transmutations by weak energy  Maloine editor, Paris, 1975.  I postulated that the swirls formed and maintained by the rotation of the core were to give birth, in a planet, to two solid baby-cores.....  It was a very new idea.  Nobody had hitherto put forth this assumption.  It was admitted simply that the magnetic field was created by the rotation of the core and one called that the " self-excited dynamo ".  I thought that to explain the inversions of the terrestrial magnetic field known since more than one century, the baby-cores generated their own magnetic field, opposite the main magnetic field and that it is to the maximum of their activity that there was inversion. 


(Japanese satellite , 1995)

These inversions of the terrestrial magnetic field, since, were very studied.  Jean-Pierre Servant and Vincent Courtillet presented a remarkable work on this subject in the Search  in September 1992, p. 102 and I invite the reader to read this fundamental article. 

They deduce that there exists, at the present time, " a transitional field, nondipolar ".  K.Hofman and M.Fuller, of the University of California, explain certain inversions by a model of " quadripolar and octopolar  zonal field" (Nature,  1978). 

Very recently finally, in 1995, a Japanese satellite detected a magnetic field which, in addition to the North  and South Poles, shows two distinct " mono-poles "... I have the confirmation of the assumption put forth in 1974:  the existence of two " mono-poles " which appear at the vertical of the centre of rotation of two " baby-cores " in accelerated  calefaction (cf figure 5).  


Pict. 6 -First nova: laying four geant gaseous planets; starting from six baby cores : 3 northern ones, 3 southern ones (2 of them explode!).



What does it happen when these baby-cores reach a critical mass?  The field created between the two " mono-poles " becomes more powerful than the normal dipolar field and at this point in time appears, in-depth, an inversion of magnetic field, inversion which " marks " the lava of the mantle and which reappears in this lava when they are expelled by the local volcanoes...  This phenomenon is however very irregular in our Earth, whereas in the sun it is very regular and is carried out every 11 years as I mentioned higher. 

When the baby-cores break their " coupling to some extent ", they move away towards the North Poles on a side, and the South Pole on the other side, to form the normal field.  The core continues to turn, and, generating new currents of convection, it again causes the depart and the acceleration of the baby-cores.  When these baby-cores approach the  terrestrial or solar Equator, the existing magnetic field between the North  and the South poles and the baby-cores is broken...  This rupture of the magnetic field causes seismic movements, very violent ones, called " jerks ". 


On the sun, this rupture is of an extreme violence:  January 6, 1997, whereas the sun is in its calmest phase, a formidable explosion appears on its surface.  The satellites (Soho, Polar, etc.)   detected a mass of plasma expanding and moving towards our planet at the speed of 10 000 km/h. 

I 've read in Cosmos  [ August 18, 1894 (n°499, p.63)] that an enormous protuberance appeared in April 4, 1894, close to the South Pole of the sun, followed, at the point of the edge almost diametrically opposed, a few days later, by an almost identical protuberance.  The article specifies that M.Trouvelot and M.Fenyi have already announced this phenomenon of appearance of two strong protuberances in opposite points of the sun, and this during calm period.... T he physicists know well:this jerk of energy, they call it" the extracurrent of rupture" which appears when there is interruption of a magnetic field. 

Fig 6 (legend) - First nova:  laying of 4 giant planets starting from 6 solar baby-cores:  3 in the north part, 3 in the south part ( 2 south baby-cores explode,just like drops of liquid when their calefaction is stopped...In the sun the cause of this interuption is a very energetic jerk! ). 

It is the latter phenomenon which is interesting.  Indeed, when it occurs in a star like the sun, at the stage  the baby-cores reach a  critic mass it is in the South Pole that it appears in first.  Its intensity is then sufficient to project the southern baby-core towards the deeper layers and to literally lock the calefaction of  this baby-core.  This last one,  being enable to caléfact  any longer , explodes and releases thus all the energy which it has stored during its existence.  Its explosion will cause an extremely energetic wave which will be enough to expel the close northern baby-core.  And thus appears a nova in a solitary star, with explosions" in chain", expelling progressively, the baby-cores of the Northern hemisphere. 

At the time of the solar first nova, there is expulsion of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter...  The shock wave projects to the borders of the solar system a crown of dust and gas which will form the asteroids....  The whole ends in one second belt of asteroids which is found between Mars and Jupiter...  No satellites, they were not born yet!

Only one hiatus:  Uranus, whose retrograde direction of rotation shows that it is resulting from the Southern hemisphere and is undoubtedly expelled at the time of the shock wave caused by the explosion of the first baby-core (fig.6)[1 ]. 

We find the same fault with Venus, at the time of the second nova which will expel a belt of dust , then Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury...  Thus the belt of asteroids which is between Mars and Jupiter is formed of two distinct belts as one can note it today.  The differences between these two belts never could be explained.  They are due quite simply to a different genesis.  Very recently, a Japanese satellite discovered a fine belt of dust located between Mercury and the sun.  It is the remainder of the second nova.   Just like the belt of asteroids, nearest to Jupiter, was the remainder of the first nova. 

It is a very plausible diagram of laying, but how to explain why the first nova expelled  gaseous giant planets, and the second nova,  solid planets?  I think I've found the explanation thanks to the " transmutations by weak energy " discovered by professor CL. Kervran which studied them during several tens of years. 


[ 1 ]  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune:  these giant planets will give rise to satellites until the second nova...  These satellites, pushed back by this second  nova, will have an abnormal rotation compared to the satellites laid after the second nova. 

These last years, ten planets external  of the solar system were detected...  Surprise:  the planet nearest to star is often larger  than Jupiter;  quite simply because the star had only a nova and that it appears in a system similar to the system of our sun after its first nova...



Claude-Louis Kervran is a French scientist.  He has published ten works on his discoveries, especially at Maloine in Paris.  He was known on the national and international level by his participation in several congresses.  He was even decorated for his work.  I met him in Paris at the time of the second international congress on the transmutations by weak energy held in the Sorbonne in September 1977.  Here is a summary presentation of its discovery: 

At the beginning of the summer 1959, arrived at the stage of conclusion about several years of systematic research, I got busy to make known my conviction, my certainty that there was a property of the matter which remained unknown.  Largely used however but unconsciously:  that this new property that I showed following thousands of convergent analyses consisted of a possibility, for any living creatures, to transform the atoms themselves, and not only molecules (that is the field of chemistry);  in short, that there was transmutation of the matter, passage of an " element " into another, of an atom into another...

Cl Kervran,  Discovery of the biological transmutations,  Le courrier du livre, 1966, p.7 Introduction. 

There are hundreds of biological or geological experiments provided by Kervran and its disciples.  One of it proves with certainty that these transmutations by weak energy exist within the terrestrial mantle.  This experiment is irrefutable, because reproducible.  It was carried out by the researchers of the C.N.R.S. (national scientific research Center) at the request of professor Kervran according to an experimental protocol which he provided.  This experiment is reported in detail in one of his works:  CL Kervran, Evidence in geology and physics of transmutations by weak energy  p.83 and following, Maloine editor, 1973. 

These researchers used 367 milligrams of pyrope, which is a mineral alumino-silicated container of significant impurities of magnesium, iron and calcium and very little chromium.  It is a natural rock  because Kervran left the principle that if he wanted to study the modification of the metamorphic rocks, it was necessary for him initially to start from what one finds joined together  naturally.  By dry way, in a special furnace, they subjected this mineral to a temperature of 850° and a pressure of 50kb during three to four minutes.  Largely lower conditions as for heat and  pressures existing in the mantle or the Earth's crust. Among other  results, the iron oxides, which account for 9% of the total of this pyrope, undergo a significant fall under the operating conditions carried out, that is to say approximately 12%.  And this mineral contained, after this experiment, chromium 7,854mg instead of 5,138mg at the beginning - that is to say an increase of 2,716mg - and iron passes from 33,030mg to 29,140mg from where a reduction of 3,890mg.  It is thus well about an increase in chromium at the expense of iron, and this in very significant quantitative proportions.  Some will claim that this kind of result can be due  to errors of analysis. And it is there that I awaited them. 

The analyses were made by means of an electronic probe of Castaing, of a new model, completely automated.  They were made " in situ ", i.e. without touching the rock subjected to the experiment.  During this experiment, scientists of the C.N.R.S., because  they were alone  to  handle the apparatuses, carried out 25 successive analyses!  Each one of these analyses showed a reduction of iron and a chromium increase about proportional.  This report is irrefutable considering the conditions under which this experiment proceeded which will remain fundamental in the sense that it shows well that the energy used by the machines to break the atoms which are the rings of the C.E.R.N. close to Geneva, for example, is not necessary to cause transmutations.  This transmutation cannot, in addition, be explained by the traditional nuclear physics, which is not the case.  Nature carries out transmutations, and this in the biological field as well as geological without calling upon the energy claimed by the nuclear physics.  I invite the reader, interested by " the Kervran effect ", to read the last work of Cl Kervran, published in 1982 at Maloine: Biological transmutations and modern physics. 

The author explains how this " effect K " is placed within the framework of the most recent atomic theory , that of the " neutral currents " and recalls that the authors of the guiding principles of this theory had the Nobel Prize of physics at the end of 1979, and the author to declare in his introduction, page 6: 

      “….. this aspect of the " interactions by weak energy " is now adopted by international science.  This part appeared to me essential bcause  too many physicists , and among them  scientists of various disciplines, see in the " transmutations " only one phenomenon which concerns the " strong interactions ".  Blinded by the atomic bomb, they did not think that there were also transmutations by weak energy, hence,  their  stubborn and sterile opposition to my work. 

If I've  exposed the work of professor Kervran for a long time, it is because those are the " sesame " of both novae solar that I proposed previously...  The first would have expelled  the  giant planets, essentially,out of a liquid core of sodium.  The second nova gave the solid planets ,hence our Earth,out of  liquid carbon monoxide globules...  By which miracle these globules of Na then of CO could occur within the solar mantle, in the form of baby-cores in calefaction?  They are still recent data in the astronomy field which enabled me to outline an answer. 

We know that solar energy comes from nuclear reactions during which atoms of hydrogen begin to melt to give atoms of helium.  During these reactions  neutrinos are produced.  Davis,an American physicist, tried in vain to detect them.  Currently, after tens of years of research, one detects  less neutrinos than the theory does  envisage .  The astrophysicists are perplexed.  They did not think,it seems to me ,of  the transmutations of Kervran or of the effect " K ".  Kervran, in 1982, in the work quoted previously, showed that it is possible to currently propose a mechanism of capture of neutrinos in certain reactions.  Rare are the astronomers who take them into account.  He however quotes the work of KB Wakelam (p.159) who declares: 

The atmosphere of Venus would contain 10000 parts of argon, 26 by trillion instead of 35 shares only on Earth and the author... proposes an explanation on two columns by evoking my work.

It is however the process of detection of the existence of a flow of neutrinos used by the R.Davis ,a physicist already quoted, who shows that these neutrinos cause detectable reactions.  He placed a detector of neutrinos at the bottom of a mine, to 1 500m of depth (the neutrinos almost do not interact with the matter... and cross the universe literally).  But Davis, by a significant equipment placed at the bottom of the mine, thought of being able to show that the interaction of the neutrino with the stored chlorinated medium causes the transformation of chlorine 37 into argon 37.  The result observed was almost null...

But, since these heroic years, a large effort of research has been made. It is in the Seventies that the theory is specified, known as electro-weak.  And it is known today that there are three families of leptons (muons, electrons and neutrinos) with three species of neutrinos. 

New processes were worked out,  new experiments were made, the result is Net:  one detects many neutrinos of the sun, but always in an insufficient number (i.e. nearly 50% of what the theory provides) [ 1 ]...  Where is the problem? 

I think that the  missing neutrinos intervene in creation between the core from where they are formed and photosphere, of element such as Na (Na11 coming from B5 + C6 created in enormous quantity on the level of the solar core) and C and O (from where CO) and, this, by transmutation by weak energy.  I'm not  a specialist in atomic physics, I am humbly satisfied to put forth this assumption...  Na, or sodium, is an element which one finds in matter flows ejected by the cores of galaxy, sometimes in immense clouds, and in the constitution of the satellites of giant planets.  CO, carbon monoxide, is a molecule which one finds everywhere in the universe and, currently, our sun ejects CO in significant quantity during its angry outbursts.  It is professor Kervran who put forth the assumption of a formed original globule of a plasma of CO, for our planet.  We will see it further. 

I personally studied various indices which enabled me to conclude that the richness of giant planets and of some of  their  satellites,in ammoniacal made up gases would come from cleavage, by weak energy of  Na (11 protons - > 7 protons + 4 protons)into NH4.. 

The origin of Na is specified when the granitic rocks are studied.  In these rocks, this bond Na-NH4 can be at the origin of the gas droplets of nitrogen which colour especially the impregnated rocks of radioactivity.  It is the case, in particular, of minerals of the group of nephelite (Na-Al SiO4) which contains a variable quantity of potassium (Na + 0 - > K19) and crystals  coloured by gas impurities of helium and nitrogen similar to the phenomenon observed in feldspars, very old granitic rocks where Na is often present...

[ 1 ]  This difficulty of detecting the neutrinos comes owing to the fact that these particles can traverse several thousands of kilometers thickness of air before interacting with another particle...]

 Precise analyses showed a clear relation between the proportions of silica and that of alkaline oxides of sodium and potassium.  When Si grows, Na also increases, passes by a maximum then decrease... (Radioactivity of the rocks  Coppens, " Que sais-je?"p.66). 

One of the probable  origins  of Na on our sphere is:  Si14 - Li3 = Na11.  Knowing that Li is a fugacious element which is sintered very quickly with other elements as it was showed by  Kervran.  Formed Li3 is sintered with another atom of Si to give Cl17.[Si14 and Li3 give Cl17

I think that the rock salt Na Cl is an endogenous production of the siliceous layers which settle in marine environment especially at the mouth of the large rivers but also, inside the continents, in the large lakes  rich initially in organic silica (diatoms).  The Dead Sea and the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the African lakes of Chad, of North Africa could very well grow rich out of salt by this process.  In the same way, the salt mountains which, as in the west of the Red Sea,that include a depth exceeding the kilometer, could not have been formed by salted water evaporation...

I found an additional proof of the transmutation NA - > NH4 It was provided to me, indirectly by researchers working for the E.D.F..[French Electricity]..

In the French Review of electricity  First quarter 1973, n°240, Mr. Jean Fabre wrote an article entitled:  " Why research by E.D.F.?" In page 26, in some lines, he speaks about the chemistry of sodium (Na). 

An exhaustive study of the chemistry of sodium at high temperature is necessary and currently is worked out slowly, accordind to the appearance of the problems.  Several aspects must be considered: control and detection (H2, N2);  corrosion (dissolution of iron, carbon); purification, protection in the event of accident...

It is short but sufficiently clear:  the researchers encounter a big problem:  appearance of H2 and N2 in liquid sodium used to cool the heart of certain power stations...  One knows the extreme instability of molecule NH3 during his calefaction. 

In Liévin, in Pas-de-Calais, one will remember for a long time the terrible explosion which blew up a truck  filled with liquid ammonia ..... 

The Russians and the Americans have  tried out  cooling the core of  atomic power station  by liquid sodium.  It is known that they gave up this process after... seious  accidents. 

It could be also that the process which I have just shown is at the origin of the constant renewal of our atmosphere in nitrogen.  You remember that:  all my preliminary work was centered on the calefaction of  micro-drops of water.  , The oceans and seas cover the three quarters of our sphere and, each square meter releases  billion micro-drops of salted solution which fall down mainly, but   billion others escape from terrestrial surface to go up until several tens of kilometers in altitude.  I think that the extreme calefaction of these micro-drops at high altitude ends up giving a bursting of the NaCl core of the drop and a cleavage, by weak energy, of  Na11 intoNH4...  H leaves the ground beyond the belt of Van Allen ,as   space experiments have shown,but N2 remains..... 

I still make a point of specifying that Na is present everywhere in our body, that there is no cell which is deprived by it and, this, with a variable concentration, even in blood...  But in the kidney, on the level of the handle of Henlé, there would be according to the traditional explanation exchanges of ions Na-NH4...  It seems that it is Na which, absorbing the energy provided by a cellular enzyme, passes from the renal tubular cells in its burst form, hence, at the exit no more trace of Na and appearance of NH4 This  ammonium ion is then eliminated by the urines and the" glands sudoripares".  In the kidneys, in addition, one notes a production of ions Mg12 and K19.  It would seem that the energy provided by the cleavage of Na  gives :  Na11 + H1 - > Mg12 and Na11 + O8 - > K 19...  We are far from the traditional pump of sodium which the medecine  books speak about ! 

A significant fact comes to confirm the assumption of a first nova expelling giant planets:  the recent discovereries made by the stellar astronomers of systems having at least  a detectable planet..All.these planets are  very close to their star. They are as massive, if not more , as Jupiter.  It is well the diagram which one can trace after the solar first nova...  Jupiter occupied the current place of Mercury... and  the belt of asteroids currently close to Jupiter was at the place where is the belt of dust detected recently between Mercure and the sun! 

The shock wave of the second nova pushes back giant planets, and some satellites which they laid meanwhile, towards the space that they occupy nowadays...  Let us some room to the young people! 

I have the proof that, between the first nova and the second, the giant planets " laid "  some satellites by the following observation:

.. the giant planets are escorted by dust rings and by many satellites, small compared to them, all in their equatorial plan and turning all in the same direction (with some exceptions :  the most external satellites .  Daniel Benest, the Planets  P.75, Editions du Seuil 1996. 

I underline the quotation concerning the external satellites...

Hitherto various explanations were provided for these abnormal rotations.  We know now that these " abnormal " satellites are those that, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune  already possessed  when the second nova happened.  The shock wave of this nova projected the giant planet systems  towards the outside of the solar system and the light globules of satellites compared to their mother-planets deviated of their  primitive rotation ...

[ 2 ]  Sodium, while being cleaved in lighter atoms,  gives a lower density of giant planets compared to the solid planets which, with CO at the beginning, produce heavier atoms...  This " lightness " and this tendency to give hydrocarbon compounds will be found in the composition of the rocks of the satellites of giant planets...




How can a gaseous ball ejected by the sun  become a planet like EARTH?  Or rather, of which matter was this ball  made up  to allow, by cooling, the formation of a solid bark  in the form of continents? 

WITH the risk to repeat me, I affirm once more that in fact the transmutations by weak energy of professor Kervran will enable us to understand this evolution.  He proved, by precise analyses, taken again by other researchers in laboratories, that the matter is not inert, that it changes, that the elements such as oxygen, carbon, silicon,  nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, etc can come from other elements..thanks to. the action of micro-bacteria and their enzymes - hence their importance in biology, agronomy, metallogenèse -, or thanks to the action of agents such as the heat or the radiation of the neutrinos or the pressures hyper dense (hence their importance in geology and cosmogenèse).

Let us take one of its experiments, simple, which was besides at the origin of its discovery. 

The professor was charged, about 1955, with inquiring into the cases of death by asphyxiation due to the carbon monoxide (CO) in the workshops of oxycoupure by blowtorch.  The analyses made in the workshops always showed with the absence or traces of CO, traces which,  in no case, could  cause the asphyxiation of the workmen. Professor Kervran untied this enigma.  The nitrogen of the air - N 7  - in contact with the flame of the gun welder and of the heated metal changed and gave carbon monoxide inspired directly by the welder leaned on his work.  The proof of this transmutation was brought by the use of a brief gas mask consisting in taking the air with a tube in the back of the welder.  This air, nonexcited, with normal nitrogen, did not cause any more intoxication, even light. This transmutation is better understood when one knows that the atomic number of nitrogen is 7, that of carbon 6 and that of oxygen is 8.  Two atoms of nitrogen which form a molecule of nitrogen become 14, which is found in the carbon monoxide molecule, hence 2N7 with  CO (6+8) to  14.

The molecules of nitrogen of the air, excited by the extrème heat of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe and catalysed by metal in fusion, are transmuted into carbon monoxide which returns quickly to its initial state, the molecule of nitrogen...hence the absence of carbon monoxide in the analyses of the air in the workshops where these fatal accidents  occurred...  Only the workman, the nose on his work, if I dare say, inspired formed CO, asphyxiating himself gradually.  Thanks to professor Kervran, the wearing of a simple mask makes it possible to avoid this kind of accident. 

But the consequence of this investigation was the discovery of a possible transmutation, transmutation requiring only  weak energy compared to that obtained, by enormous means in the cyclotrons and other machines with high energy. 

In a series of works of which I recommend the reading to the interested reader, and that I mention in the bibliography, professor Kervran endeavours to show how, starting from primitive nitrogen of our sphere, could be formed all the elements of the complex rocks... and of the atmosphere .  I quote, here, an extract of his book: Nonradiactive natural transmutations    

We have the deep conviction, no contrary argument  having been able to be found, that the stage which preceded the formation by the earth's crust comprised a gas mass of nitrogen (like other little evolved planets, because of their distance to the sun:  Jupiter, Saturn...)

This explains why in the beginning there was formation of silica:

2N7 gave


C + O / 6+8 =Si

Such would be the departure. 

I share this sight of professor Kervran.  Nevertheless, I think that the formation of CO is former to that, inside the sun,and Si results from the cooling of the ejected CO . I  think that the globules ejected by the sun at the time of the second nova were especially made of CO which appears inside the solar mantle - as I showed -at the present stage of our star...  I repeat that the current solar storms expel a considerable mass of  carbon monoxide . 

We now know, by the  experiment quoted some lines before, that the creation of CO starting from N2, in the solar mantle is more probable...

Thus,at the begining of the primary era Si appeares on the surface of our sphere,  a carapace of silica.  Limestone will appear later,thanks to living organisms.  A question always intrigued the geologists:  < < How salts appeared ouring the primary era whereas they did not existed  in  the Precambrian ?  How could K (potassium) be born in the granite whereas it was not in the starting schists?  > >

The formation of the granite was part, indeed, of the aberrant phenomena facing the geologists.  B.  Charbert, which published the  Precambrian granites of Guyanes and their probable origin   

(Memo.  card géol Fr Paris, 1960) does not think that one can < < reasonably > > consider the possibility of an installation of disproportionate solid masses of a surface of 100 X 100 km by a purely magmatic process.  The granites were formed under the enormous pressures due to the tectonic efforts which follow  great paroxysms, for example, during the formation of the  hercynian chains;, the granite will be where are these crumplings and never on a too rigid Precambrian base. 

In fact the schists, of siliceous origin remelted, gave rise to the granite by transmutation of certain elements.  The elements such as aluminium, magnesium, present in the initial schist, transmute, under the effect of intense  pressure , into alkaline (potassium and sodium). 

A last question, also raised by Kervran, is that of the formation of carbon. 

The formation of immense carboniferous grounds, sometimes reaching  2000 m thickness, did not fail to intrigue geologists . One of them, Bransfield, published a book in London in 1950:  Conti nuous Création   He  raises a precise question:  < < With carboniferous, one finds materials   that don't appear in the former geological ages... from where do they  come?  > >

The same aberrant phenomenon occurs with the secondary with the formation of limestone, thanks to Foraminifera, certainly, but from what?  We will see it when we will approach the secondary era.

One finds, certainly,  primary  carbon especially but the tertiary carboniferous layers are also very abundant... Officially, the genesis of  carbon would come from the vegetation wastes, accumulated in the buried estuaries ..  Bransfield thinks that this process, to explain the thickness of carbon, would have required a layer of wood as thick as the distance from Earth to Moon!

Once more, the conventional explanation must be rejected.  Where does one find  carboniferous  layers in northern  France?  They are spread out, or are rather juxtaposed ,in Belgium, from the foot of the Ardennes, to the hills of Artois in France.  These Belgian layers are very deep whereas in Lens,in Artois for example, one sometimes finds  carbon by digging the foundations of a house!  This staging suggests the formation of coal  from the sand of silica shores and sea salt during  primary era...  The successive collapses of our coasts made that these salt and sand banks melted and changed, by transmutation by weak energy.  I propose the following process: 

2Si / 28 with  Na / 11 + Cl / 17

I already showed that there were many convergences giving  ammonia starting from sodium [ Na 1  1  with  NH 4  (7+4) ]

In England,one finds coal seams very rich in nitrogen. 

There would be then passage of NR 7  into C+ H (6+1)

This genesis of the carbon appears still more obviously  when the tertiary layers are studied... 

Indeed, the most abundant carbon layers are the tertiary grounds.  It is obvious...

During the secondary, the sea, the oceans invade the continents ...  France does not exist practically any more.  The first coasts are those of the Jura.  There again, during part of the secondary and all the tertiary eras, successive phenomena of transgression  happen.  The new shores which are formed are absorbed...   And it is the same process as for the shores of the primary era.  During the tertiary era, half of the east of China is occupied by the Pacific Ocean.  The same process of successive transgressions that in the Jura happens a nd today we find an immense arc inside China ,from the south-west of China until the North-East , conceals immense carboniferous layers! 

Since we speak about the combustible rocks, I should  specify that oil appears more and more as an endogenous production of siliceous rocks which would have been transmuted into rock salt.  Hence the caps of rock salt which appear for example, currently, in the Mediterranean.  Hence also the oil shales which one finds around the Massif Central.  It would be especially the work of micro-organisms with siliceous shells (diatoms) which accumulate in the pits further away from the shore and embedded by marine  limestones deposits...  Deposits of silica gave salt, then a mixture of ammonia and hydrocarbons and, finally, oil...

These layers besides are often surrounded by rocky limestones rich in iron and it is what brings us to the secondary era...

With the secondary, the marine organisms are Masters of our Earth since the seas and oceans  invaded most of the continents.  These are the animals, microscopic or not, which will transmute silicon into calcium.  Their death per billion individuals, in sea-beds, give the  limestones layers of the secondary... where a significant heating occurs, these solid masses of limestones are transformed into basalt, rich in iron...

Kervran showed that the process Si14    + C 6  gives Ca / 20

The only fact of giving a person, victim of a fracture, organic silica in the form of  prêle or horse-tail in powder, allows to this person a fast ossification...  This was often confirmed in surgery by other scientists. 

As regards iron, its genesis starting from rocks of  limestones appears extremely probable...

Let us consider the Lorraine iron layers.  Where are they?  At the interior  of a vast calcareous solid mass...  It seems well that the formation of basalts comes from an identical process : :

Ca 2  0  +C 6  with  Fe 2  6  or K 1  9  + N7 with  Fe 2  6  

We note, indeed, that the grounds of limestones are often enriched by potassium {potash of Alsace!]  owing to the fact that Ca 2  0  loses an atom of H, especially in the mediums rich in micro-organisms ¹.

In short, all these bonds which I have just exposed briefly, allow us to explain the main changes in the field of geology, since the primary era and, this, starting from a globule of CO ejected by the sun.....

The official assertion giving the origin of the elements which make our planet, in the explosions of the supernovas and even of novae, seems quite fallacious...  Admittedly, these explosions release an incredible energy but we know now that Nature, in the living world or in the inert world of geology, does not require this energy to transmute an element into another... that it is by cleavage, [as for sodium] or by sintering[ as for the formation of calcium or iron].


  1. Let us note also the appearance of silica in the form of flint, formation due undoubtedly to micro-organisms living in the calcareous solid mass and living on carbon... on the expense of limestone:Ca 2  0  - C 6  with  Si 1  4  




Masses of carbon monoxide ejected by our sun at the time of the second nova,or the ball which will form our Earth, cooled quickly on the surface.  The carbon monoxide, on the surface always, will give the first solid continents, whith rocks almost primarily siliceous:  CO gives Si14

It is the primary era...  What is interesting is to note that this primary era grows rich quickly in carboniferous layers... (which will become carboniferous during following eras).  The formation of  successive  layers,... thus implies a process of  successive subductions due to the existence, already, of an internal system composed of a core and baby-cores...  And it is what confirms the most recent work on  tectonics and the inversions of magnetic field.  It is proven now that the geomagnetic field had the property to be reversed since its origin, i.e. from the very start of the primary era...  It is what more the oldest rocks of the earth's crust attest, old of 3,5 billion years.

Claude Allègre, Minister  the National Education in 1998, by his work at the Institute of physique of  Earth of Paris, proved that this field was born with the core in the first ten million years from the history  of our planet (Cl. Allegre, Introduction to a natural history  ,Fayard 1992). 

This precocity of the core automatically implies that of currents of convection in the mantle and the creation of baby-cores that  start thus, very early, their swinging between a rest state and a paroxystic state where two under-cores interact to give a field reverse... as record it the primary rocks.  How can we explain this fast creation of a core and of baby-cores?  I think that it is the origin  of the matter expelled by the sun which explains it:

CÕ / 14 + CÕ / 14 with  Ni / 28

I postulate almost immediate creation within Earth in the form of a carbon monoxide globule, of a core of nickel starting from existing CO... the same process appears in the baby-cores.  It is during the secondary, as I’ve already largely exposed it, that the core will grow rich, quickly,on iron, starting from the marine layers of sediment which are formed in considerable quantity.  The subduction of the lithosphere increases  the growth of the core and of the baby-cores and it is the essential cause of the immense marine transgressions of the secondary era.  It is already the well-known < < Nifer > > ...

To again detail what I said or quoted since the beginning of my work would be tiresome... I preferred to trace two diagrams of two < < states > > of our sphere ....  I hope that they are enough speaking.  This is why I placed figures 7 and 8 at the beginning of this chapter so that the reader can refer to it more easily.  I will thus clarify here  some new points...

Leon Foucault, pioneer of the terrestrial magnetism, announced in 1853 already, the tendency of  a spinning top in horizontal rotation to be directed North-South, i.e. to lean in the direction of the tension fields of the ambient magnetic field...  As the baby-cores, in my opinion, are enormous spinning tops in rotation, I thought that they could be influenced by the magnetic field that their interaction at the paroxystic stage creates, when they are both in close relations along the equator...





This period ends when the baby-cores separate from the core,causing the rupture of the normal magnetic field...

At the critical stage  when the baby-cores acquire a critical mass and when the field between baby-cores and core are increasingly intense, the rupture of magnetic field is such, in North, that the calefaction of the northern baby-core stops.  It explodes and expels the southern baby-core.. which will keep, once put into orbit, the retrograde direction of rotation which it had within the mantle.  The origin of the direction of rotation of the satellites of all the satellites, is explained, thus logically. 



This period  initially  begins when the baby-cores separates from  the core...  During the paroxysm of their interaction, however, there is creation of an intense and opposite magnetic field;opposite to the normal terrestrial field.  A law of Foucault specifies that a body in rotation tilts in the direction of the tension fields of the ambient magnetic field.  I think that it is this swing which is cause of the subduction of the southern plates of  Earth (Africa, South America...)Hence, in 1985, the South American plate plunged 9 meters under the northern continent , on the level of Mexico, and that caused the terrible earthquake of Mexico.  The” plate tectonics” theory  does not explain these abrupt movements of subduction which occur on the level of the latitude of the Mediterranean countries.  These subductions are not done, as for the longitudinal subductions, at the rate of a few millimetres per annum... Under Mexico, in 1985, that was done in a few minutes... and the diving was 9 meters! 

In 1985, the subduction of nine meters of the South American plate, under the North-American plate,àt the vertical of Mexico... seems to me a consequence of the Foucault effect stated in 1853. Which baby-core causes this attraction of the southern plate?  I think that it is the southern baby-core because it appears bulkier and more energetic than the northern baby-core...  Indeed its direction of rotation, compared to the rotation of the core, gives him almost a privileged situation:  it becomes the second component of the couple southern core and baby-core whereas the northern baby-core appears to have a rotation more opposed... because of its situation in the currents of convections of the northern hemisphere.  The transmission of the energy of rotation of the core is done more effectively in the southern hemisphere than in the northern hemisphere;  as the direction of rotation of the southern baby-core shows it, in the direction of rotation of the pointers of a watch.

The diving of the plates of the southern hemisphere, noted  as phenomenon of subduction by the plate tectonics, is the cause of many volcanic phenomena and causes earthquakes sometimes extremely  violent ones/It is why  all the areas located at the latitude of the Mediterranean. are so dangerous..

Formation of internal seas;  such as Mediterranean, Caspian Sea, Dead Sea, are due to this < < plunging> > of southern plate under the European northern plate. 

At the secondary era, this diving makes that in North Africa, for example, all Sahara is submerged by the sea... where the ocean, the sea salt and sands will give the oil-bearing and carboniferous fields which make its richness today. 

It is while studying close the tectonic phenomena (volcanicity, earthquakes) that I think that there is a cycle enough short of this phase of paroxystic activity of the baby-cores.  This cycle would be 11 years approximately, it would correspond to the cycle of the sunspots, but with a shift of several years... Thus when the earthquakes of 1985 or 1996, more typical, happened , the solar activity, at this time , was in its minimum. 

The most interesting side of this cycle is that one will be able to envisage the periods of paroxysm in the earthquakes affecting all the countries located at the latitude of the Mediterranean countries. But, let us see more closely what occurred in 1996 for better supporting my demonstration. 

I think that the two baby-cores caused a reverse  magnetic field very intense ,hence the terrible earthquakes   all around Earth, in the bzginning of 1996, during nearly two months.

In January 1996:  earthquake in China...  hundreds of deaths. 

February 24, 1996:  earthquake of 6,8 on the Richter scale in the south of Mexico. 

That month, earthquake in the Pyrenees and the France..

March 6, 1996 the ground trembles twice in Japan (intensity 5,8).  This tremor occurs nearly two months after the terrible tremor of China. 

All this happened as I had envisaged.  Indeed, each time the two baby-cores,are in close relations and pass  the vertical of a country, each time there is a significant earthquake, sometimes even very fatal as in China...

This infernal round lasted nearly two months.  Then, the things were calmed little by little.  The baby-cores separate quickly, but the rupture of the magnetic field created in 96 will cause one < < current of extra-rupture > > which is likely, before 2000, to cause a very intense earthquake .  That what has happened in 1978 , in the pit of Afars, still called Rift of the Red Sea. 

All the area broke down of 1,5 m on hundreds of kilometers, in one hour.  That corresponded to the end of the paroxystic period that began  towards 1974...  ...   Undoubtedly it is at this time  that occur, in the Earth's crust, the parallel lines discovered on the ocean floor by  the underwater research campaigns of these decades... Shearings more or less parallel to Equator would be due to the  maximum of activity of the baby-cores, as in 1985 and 1996...

In short, to conclude this chapter, I can predict an intense activity of the baby-cores eleven years after 1996... i.e. towards 2005 to 2007 (the period not being very regular like that of the sunspots much more studied since several centuries).  Admittedly, in the past,  researchers wanted to highlight a correlation between the appearance of the sunspots and the terrestrial phenomena (magnetism, climate, etc.)    I am obliged to note that this correlation exists certainly... but with several years of delay afterthe maximum  of solar activity which would correspond to calm periods of our baby-cores.  And vice versa. 

Currently, the period would be 11 years approximately...

But let us return to our moon...  In fact, we note that it is born very early within the terrestrial mantle, in the shape of the southern under-core, Earth has been pragnant since the primary era...  Hence undoubtedly the official report of the geologists who analyzed the moon rocks:  they are almost as old as those of our Earth, they resemble surprisingly, , the rocks which one finds in-depth, at the base of the earth's crust More than 90% of the rocks brought back by Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 were classified as basalt.,they'  re connected with terrestrial basalts:  pyroxenes, feldspars and ilmétite...

Pyroxenes are especially made of Mg, Fe, Ca and SO 3      

Felspaths:  of Na, Ca, Al, Si,...

The ilmenite of TiO 3    

Olivine:  (MgFe)2SiO 4    

And the spinel containing Mg, Fe, ,Al, and Cr (this last rock was used by Kervran to show that Cr comes from Fe, in a laboratory of the C.N.R.S., as I’ve described in the chapter on the transmutations by weak energy, pyrope being a spinel...). 

These basalts could be formed only thanks to the energy released inside the terrestrial mantle initially; then  to that  existing inside the moon as a long time as it was alive, i.e. as a long time as it had a viscous mantle ...  It is besides the official report that the geologists make while studying these rocks:  these rocks formed by a fusion of 1 200° approximately of the bed rock,and could be formed only in the internal part of the moon...

One however did not find hydrated minerals...  I think that the heat caused by the explosion of the internal structure, as we will further see it, caused the disintegration of the molecules of H 2  O.  ....  I n the identical terrestrial rocks, one finds hydroxyls (OH) undoubtedly formed by a molecule of H2O (water), and the depart of H.  Certain astronomers deny the birth of the moon starting from Earth because of this lack of water in the moon rocks... But,in these rocks, one finds all the elements of the terrestrial rocks but hydroxyl is replaced by Fl (fluorine)...  When will the physicists or the geologists have the  idea to remake an experiment of the style of the pyrope of Kervran, to prove, with a terrestrial sample of rock, that OH/8+1 gives F/9 in this rock?  that would however  be less expensive than to re turn  to the moon! 

The tertiary era is a period of small transgressions and regular regressions, ressembling  the period that we live since the end of last glaciation...  The Atlantic Ocean occupies almost all the west of Europe and most of the north of Europe.  The Pacific Ocean occupies about half of China and will leave the trace of its carboniferous limit in the form of immense  tertiary  sectors drawing an  south-east arc in the North-West of China...

The volcanic phenomena are numerous, as well as the inversions of magnetic field...  The baby-cores reach a critical mass, a last rupture of magnetic field between  baby-cores locks the northern baby-core which, not being able to caléfact  more, bursts, releasing an enormous energy which, with the assistance of the rupture of the magnetic field , will propel the southern babycore outside Earth.  All is done the same day... The continental plates,after being upraised by the departure of the Moon, will tilt immediately towards the immense hollow of the south Pacific ocean, from where our satellite left.  This energy swing is made perpendicular to  the Andes cordillera that pops up and the Rocky  Mountains are born at the same time ... .  ;  the plate of the China Sea, from the Philippines also plunges and the Himalayas emerge, immense.  This uplift is done simultaneously in the north of the Hindu plate, in the north of the African plate... and, the Pyrenees and the Alps emerge. 

Geology shows us, indeed, that the end of the tertiary sector knows a terrible upheaval.  Regression of all the oceans, uplift of the grounds then flooded, releasing, as in France for example,  immense basins of limestones:  Paris basin, Lorraine basin...

EARTH  had just given birth to her child the moon.  Our planet indeed carries many traces of this childbirth.  I showed in my  Caléfaction book  that one manages to slow down a mass in rotation by using the law of the angular momentum.

To slow down the axial rotation of an artificial satellite and to even stop its rotation, the technicians release, by radio control of course, two masses or < < yoyo > > retained by solid ropes.  This sudden extension of the ray have the satellite to stop his turning on itself, this to respect the constant of the angular momentum about which we 've already spoken.  It is the same at the time of the lunar laying.  Our satellite, released, plays the role of yoyo (cf. Atoms  January 1968,p.  42 article of Simon de Kergue). 

Our planet slows down its axial rotation, it is the increase of the plates.  This phenomenon occurred during pliocene, at the end of the tertiary era. 

The recent studies made by the scientists of the famous American laboratory Glomar Challenger show that the Mediterranean was completely dry six million years ago...  This dryness lasted nearly 500 000 years!  The fact that 500 000 years later, the barrier of Gibraltar drops to let pass waters of the Atlantic would correspond to the re-starting of the pulsation core-baby-cores...  Our planet will take a few hundreds of thousands of years to create again, by the internal rotation of the core, the currents of convection and thus two new baby-cores... 

This period of very large calms was recorded by the terrestrial magnetic field. 

In the Pacific, during 500 00 years, the terrestrial magnetic field is almost non-existent!  .No more pulsation corewith baby-cores,gives no more magnetic field...  Same calms in the spreading of  magma along the large oceanic breaks, of which the medio-atlantic  break or rift , very studied by the specialists in the” plate tectonics:” 

< < Recent measurements show an abrupt change  as due to a long stop in the movement of oceanic expansion > > (according to E.  Thellier, eminent geologist...)

In the n° 332 of January 1998, Sky and Space  p.  90, < < the moon was made in one day?  > > I quote the comment which follows this title: 

In the comparison with the scale of the geological eras one year represents less than one flapping of lash.  And yet, it is perhaps the time which the moon took to be formed here four billion and half of years ago In their new scenario catastrophe, the astronomers call upon the collision of the young Earth by a planet of the size of Mars.

Here we are...  After hundreds of years of work on the geology of our planet, tens of years of work on its magnetism and” the  plate tectonics”, some astronomers of the year 2 000  sit down at  their computer and imagine an assumption of collision between our Earth and a small insane planet to give birth , in one day (title of the February 1998 issue ) to  our satellite...  The reader who reads my work must read the article of February 1998.  He will undoubtedly conclude just as I did!  Which makes fun one?  Where is  trickery? 

Daniel Benest was made the spokesman of the astronomers who think that the moon results from << a gigantic collision > >.  And to conclude, after having given the evoked collisional diagram :  < < All this, let us point it out , happens to the whole beginning from the history of Earth, and this one did not keep any trace of it    > > (Planets, p 89.)  I do underline. 

This last assertion proves the incredible lightness of certain scientists! 

I invite the reader to take a terrestrial sphere, to turn it so that to let appear, in front of his eyes,  the immense and open Pacific.Ocean..  proving  that a cataclysm is surely in the beginning!  It is already a sufficient trace of the departure of the moon (and not of its wrenching...). I invite the reader  to trace a perpendicular on the basis of the center of Chile and leading to the center of the southern Pacific.  Then he traces another perpendicular starting from the line of the Rocky Mountains... another perpendicular on Western side, facing China...  And he will thus have an explanation more than probable of the formidable diving of the plates towards the hole created by the departure of our satellite...

No traces?  I have the impression that some < <  nomenclatura > >among  scientists spend their  time  erasing the traces that exist! 



We saw which mess the departure of the moon caused, at the end of the tertiary era. 

What is astonishing,  is that Life began again very quickly on our sphere.  But as the biological rhythm of our planet was not any more the same one, in fact giant races appear...

In a few million years, however, Earth finds its  antagonistic system: core and baby-cores, its inversions of magnetic field and  its fauna evolving to the current races...

To a few 100 thousands of years before our present days a terrible glaciation appears.  It is around 89000 years before J.-C. that one notes the coldest temperature:  0° on all our planet during 1000 years approximately. 

Why this < < deceleration > > of our sphere?... 

It is necessary for me  to place towards this date the death of our moon...

After its expulsion, six million years ago, it evolves at the rhythm of the  antagonistic interaction core and baby-cores, like a small planet, with its own magnetic field which one finds the trace in the collected rocks.  But its reserves of viscous matter in the mantle to go on its calefaction are quickly exhausted and it is  the explosion of the enormous internal matter drop which cannot calefact any longer...  Million volcanos are formed on the surface, small... or enormous ones .

Haroun Tazieff was one of the rare volcanologists to affirm that these volcanos were the work of an internal volcanicity ,whearous until our days a large majority of  astronomers allotted these volcanos to the impacts of meteorites of any size which would have fallen down on our moon. 

One says that a turbulent child  attracts himself the reprimands that he has got  a head  to get smacks!  I did'nt think that moons could  attract  all the asteroids that saunters in our solar system ...  Rare are the meteorites which, nowadays, fall preferably on the moon...

The comet of Shoemaker-Levi falling on Jupiter in 1994 is an extremely rare event! 

It is interesting to note that once more the law of the angular momentum, that I presented in the preceding chapters, is respected: the  caléfactory racing of the lunar mantle makes that our planet is slowed down considerably in its internal activity.  It is still the yoyo effect evoked previously... 

A glaciation appears.  As our Earth has had glaciations in the past, especially during the tertiary era, I sought to understand the origin of these glaciations in the light of that  we have just evoked. 

It occurred a similar event towards XVIIIth century, it is what one called the small Ice Age.  Elizabeth Nesmes-Ribes, specialist in the solar activity explained it by the fact that the sun had remained calm during nearly one century, i.e. without sunspots and she  proposed a new model of the solar magnetic field, sometimes dipolar, sometimes quadripolar...  It is what I evoked for the terrestrial magnetic field.  Thus, an event would have slown down considerably the  antagonistic interaction coreand baby-cores in the sun . Same observation for our planet.  It seems that Jupiter knew an exceptional occurrence by 1690...

Cassini, astronomer of the French Roy, followed an object appeared on the Jupiter surface, during 18 days...  He left a document entitled < < New discoveries in the Jupiter sphere > >

I think that the appearance of this object and the faults of activity of the sun and our Earth, at that time, are linked together.  It would seem that Jupiter laid its last satellite at this time , with the same consequences as for our Earth at the end of the tertiary era: yoyo effect... deceleration of the rotation, thus diminution of the interial activity of the  planet...  We know that Jupiter had already some satellites at the time of the laying of solid planets, at the time of the solar second nova.  It has about twenty five ones approximately today. 

All things considered, while our Earth gave birth to only one satellite, Jupiter laid about fifteen ones!  It is a very energetic planet,nearly a  star.  It turns at an astonishing speed;  ten hours approximately to make a turn!  We note that this very great activity resulted  in successive layings  of satellites .Every laying had,it seems to me , an effect of deceleration on our sun and our Earth... Hence the observation made by the geologists:  the terrestrial glaciations go back to the secondary era! 

It is thanks to  that overflowing activity of this giant neighbor (almost a star!)  that our planet have had time to nourish, in its centre, the bulky baby-cores that gave our MOON.  Mars, being only the tenth of our planet, gave only two weak satellites and dies for lack of fuel ....The axial rotations  of Venus and Mercury, extremely slow, have not created  yet the energetic   antagonistic baby-cores that we have, again, today...

One can  worry about what our Earth reserves to us... when will the second moon pop out?  The death of our satellite 100 000 years ago approximately delayed the genesis of the small sister considerably. The glacial mini-age in the XVIIIth century slowed down the internal interactions.  But nowadays,the calefaction of our Earth goes on merrily..... 

It should be hoped that Jupiter, by its exuberant activity, will still  postpone the terrible troubles of our humanity...  Because the laying of a satellite is not a very simple business  that provokes just one  day of cataclysm.  All the planet is deeply shaken.  Only the African continent seems to be a little more saved at the end of the tertiary  era...  And it is known that the origin of  mankind, (remember < < Lucy > >) is placed at some five to six million years ago precisely in Africa...

The  caléfactoiry explosion of the moon left, in addition to the traces of generalized volcanicity, some  iron masses  which seem to be < < planted > > at certain places of the lunar crust.  They are called < < mascons > >, i.e. the vestiges of the explosion of the baby-cores that ceased < <  splashing > > within the mantle during its  caléfactory explosion. 

The rocks and lava  formed at the time of this cataclysm do not have any more magnetism  , once more we note the correspondence between the existence of an alive system core and baby-core within a viscous mantle and the existence of a magnetic field.  The collected moon rocks show  it   perfectly::  some carry the print of the existing magnetic field before the end of lunar calefaction, others result from the magma ejected during the  caléfactory explosion and do not carry any more any trace of magnetism. 

The satellites of Mars, thin and tiny, could not have the durability of our moon...  They died out very quickly... by  caléfactory explosion... hence the volcanos that sift their surface... and their potato shape. 

The giant planetary systems are richer.  The external satellites do not have the trajectory of the majority of the jovian satellites .  We know that they were created before the second nova...  However, they are all dead and if, later, we study them as we did for the moon, we find there mascons ,  volcanos,  magnetic and nonmagnetic rocks...

The group of more recent satellites, laid after the second nova, is more interesting One  finds there cousins of our moon... died and cracked.  But two of them, Io, close to Jupiter and Triton, close to Neptune, are in full  caléfactory racing:  enormous volcanos spit of the lava per period.  They are at the stage of our moon   100 000 years ago.. their durability is undoubtedly due to their : bulkier size than their brothers, they have lasted longer.  I, in 1974, had envisaged  their < < blazing volcanicity > >. 

On the borders of our solar system, Pluto and Charon :Pluto seems  to be the first satellite of Neptune and Charon seems to be satellite of Pluto... because there are  moons  that laid  a small kid and  put it  into orbit .. according to the observations of the space probes!  \


In this end of millenium, the mode is with the meteors, meteorites, comets and even insane planets (to confer  recent assumption presented by Ciel et Espace  of February 1998 on the origin of the moon)... It is however a phenomenon quite as curious to study:  that of the meteors seen in XIXth century and sometimes observed very well.Flammarion,a famous astronomer,has studied them in 1879 in his book"Les meteorites"....  

Amédée Guillemin, in a splendid work entitled;  The sky   published by Hachette in 1877, thus presents the fireball observed on 14 May 1864 called < < meteorite d' Orgueil > >, in the south of France. 

This bolid had, before the explosion,  after all the relations,  considerable apparent dimensions, about equal to those of the lunar disc in its full.  By taking account of the calculated height, Mr. Laussedat evaluates his real diameter with 400 or 500 meters;  the average, 450 meters, supposes a volume of at least 47 million cubic meters...  Even by supposing these exaggerated evaluations (a very luminous body appears increasingly larger than it is  really), one sees that the few fragments collected hardly weighing a few kilogrammes, were only one  small part of  the total mass.  One of the observers of the phenomenon says clearly that after the explosion the fireball, almost dim ,got again a reddish colour  while carrying on  its route and remained visible under an arc still rather wide. 

M.  Daubrée, eminent geologist, analyzed these samples and noted that they  especially contained carbonaceous and nitrogenized matters.  He extended this work to  other meteorites and classified finally these last ones in several categories ,mostly meteorites containing  iron (sometimes in enormous quantity) and those which were rich in carbon and nitrogenizes...  This distinction is curious but we will try  to give an explanation of it further. 

Here another extraordinary phenomenon which occurred to the Indies, in Bhawnepoop in October 1873.  Nature,a scientific review, reports the passage of this meteor (p 34, 1878,1 Er  six-month period).  It is a witness, major N.  Money, who is  speaking: 

One morning, at a very early hour, I was awaked in start by a noise completely similar to

that that would have made a half-dozen of express trains passing at the same time, very close to my house My  room seemed to me enlightened by a light as sharp as that of the sun...  Two violent explosions shook all the house.  I sprang -outside... the light dissipated ... it still was night. 

One or two hours afterwards, one said to me that it had rained  stones in about thirty kilometers away.The  largest of these stones, an irregular mass of approximately a meter length, formed on thirty centimetres thickness.  Its density was considerable,and it was dark gray. 

I fortunately succeeded in putting the hand on a witness worthy of faith “ C”  was a European foreman.   He said" a large ball of fire, twenty times as big as the moon,  had passed like thunder just above my head, moving towards the North-East.  Its light was so dazzling that the sky appeared to set ablaze, it left behind its back a long gleam where  yellow and  green seemed mixed.Before the meteor had disappeared, I heard two explosions which followed one another quickly, followed each one by a rain of sparks, as for the luminous sphere,itseemed to change neither form nor  size [ 1 ]." 

This same meteor was seen and heard... to 110 km in the north of Bhawnepoor...

Lastly,  the soldiers of Terar, in Afghanistan,àt more than 600 km in the north of Bhawnepoor were also struck with wonder by this meteor...

It is an exceptional occurrence there.  An enormous meteor flies over the north of India, passing      close to the houses, lays fragments of ferruginous rock and disappears.  It was in 1873!

Cosmos   of September 22, 1894, reports the following facts (p 245): 

In July and August 1894, it fell in Greece a certain number of fireballs and aerolites...  Mr. Maltézos announces them to the academy;  we quote the most extraordinary of them: 

July 19, the inhabitants of Boiai saw, in full midday, a fireball going down with one

high speed;  this fireball  suddenly stopped, and there remained suspended in the atmosphere, leaving behind him a brilliant line accompanied by smoke After  five minutes of suspension, at midday 12 Mn,a terrible noise was heard, and the fireball moved towards the  top of the Crithen mount and, finally, fell into the sea....


A little later, occurred the fall of two aerolites  from a fireball



... the fireball, having an apparent length of two meters passed very close to the prefectoral house,  descended almost on the ground.  Then, changing direction and being driven very quickly parallel to the ground,it disappeared towards the North-West.

1.  I  underline this passage

Here again,  extraordinary appearances in Greece...  It was in 1894! 

I 've read hundreds of other phenomena of this kind in the books and reviews of XIXth century.  It was the century when Flammarion, eminent astronomer, was treated of charlatan by many scientists of his time because he wanted to prove the existence of meteorites...!  The employees in rubbing out  the truth were already in place!

The preceding observations show that they were not always natural meteorites... they were < < flying saucers > > or  unidentified flying objects (UFOS)... At the end of XIXth century besides, there was a wave of astonishing observations in the United States. 

Hundreds of observations, landings, contacts...  This vague was recently studied by Jean Sider:  Airship  of 1897, Editions Beaupre  (11 bis, rue du Colisée, Paris); 

And since?  Thousands of testimonys of all the points of our sphere and this until today...  I will quote  only two cases extracted  from" Lumières  dans la nuit"review,  n° 336, p,38:

° September 10, 1995, close to Red Hill, Australia.

Between 18. 30 and 18. 45, Hake Andrew Nield 49 years old, sees an oval object, of approximately 30  m  in length and 15m in height  At each end it has a blue brilliant light that lights the ground.  The object approaches the ground, then rises and moves at a speed similar to that of the car of the witness.   Finally, it accelerates and disappears behind a hill. 

° September 12, 1995, Adelaide Hills, Australia Newton. 

Between 19. 20 and 20. 25, all the emissions of television are disturbed at the time of the passage of a UFO.  Two witnesses, Shouwn Oosting and Deborath Muthu observe a dark grey object turning on itself -  in the direction reverse to pointers of a watch.  It carries red, white and green lights.  The object arrived suddenly, slowed down, then moved at a constant speed. 

These observations, among thousands of other ones, I repeat it, show that the problem < < UFO > >has existed for nearly two centuries now.  The two Australian observations offer, in addition, a strange similarity with those which were done in Greece in 1894!

Jean Desplanches gave, in numbers 315 and 322 of Lumieres dans la nuit   an approach of most logical as for < <  plausible driving of the flying saucers or UFOS > >   

I am interested in these machines ² since the year 1954 when one spoke so much about them,


We should celebrate in1999 the bicentenary of the appearance of these < < fireballs > >.  Humboldt and Bonplland, Co authors of the famous" Voyage to the equinoctial areas",  were in Cumana (Venezuela) on November 12, 1799, and report that between 2a.m and 4a.m  < < the sky was furrowed by innumerable luminous drags, which crossed without delay,  North to South, the vault of heaven.  They seemed to watch  a brilliant  fireworks at an immense height;  large fireballs, having sometimes an apparent diameter of once and once a quarter that of the moon,that mixed their trajectories with the long luminous and phosphorescent tapes with shooting stars...  Sky   Amédée Guillemin, (already quoted), p.602.

  My colleagues laughed  at them in the school-yard  where I began as a young teacher.My  young brother, student in engineering at the time,  saw ,with a friend, three saucers moving  one evening,over  the mining city of the north of France where we lived.  I did not even dare to speak to my colleagues about it...  But, I've brooded much  since.

My assumption sticks to that emitted by Jean Desplanches (n° 322, p 22).   I also think that:  < < the UFO generates in the space which it occupies, a field of forces physically identical to that generated by the terrestrial gravitation, but of contrary sign, and that it controls the direction of the force which propels it.  We replace only one force by a field of forces. > > 

The UFO. generates a  gravific field identical to the field generated by our Earth with that, I arrived at another conclusion:  it was necessary for me to reveal clearly the components of this terrestrial field to  be able to reproduce it My research in geology and in astronomy thus led me towards a  plausible and natural explanation It is certain, currently that the terrestrial  gravific field does  exist because our planet is still alive, i.e. always comprising a viscous core and mantle, contrary to our lunar satellite or Mars, for example. 

This core, in rotation,  generates   swirls of matter in the mantle ,thus on the surface of our sphere these swirls are detected in the form of < < current of Coriolis > >... the northern current is the contrary  of rotation of the pointers of a watch and the current of the southern hemisphere turns in the direction of the pointers of a watch.  The whole is confined in a magnetic field as we have seen in a preceding paragraph.  I  have explained what I have just pointed out:  the antagonism of two structures (rotations and swirls of the two baby-cores, whereas  the core is only the motor of the system.....

I also lengthily exposed the work of professor Kervran, it is because I think that the evolution of our terrestrial mantle and of our planet is inevitably related to this effect < < K > >, and that this effect is, with calefaction, the engine, completely ignored hitherto, of our Earth and of its gravitational field...Thus  I've studied  the observations of O.V.N.I.S to confirm my assumption.  I quote the conventional ones for more precise details (n° 324 of L.D.L.  N  p.  35).

The observation would have been made by a shepherd on October 24, 1954, at 3p.m, in the so-called Pyrenees-Atlantiques.A shepherd claims to have seen  on Sunday October 24, towards 3p.m, a strange spectacle He was on the mountain of Moumboa, keeping its sheep not far from a small passage up to 800 m of altitude. 

Seeing two men who were at the opposit side to him, he thinks of dealing with

excursionnists, but soon he saw  between them and him, at about fifty meters only,

a machine comparable with a large shell from three to four meters in length and a diameter of a little more than one meter,the thing  lying on the ground.He did not dare to approach this machine.  In its center, there was a cabin and at the two ends a multitude of small helixes similar to pine cones.  The two men approached the machine.  One of the two men opened a narrow door and they disappeared in the cabin.  Without noise, the two groups of helixes began to turn, but in reverse directions..  The machine took off vertically on a hundred meters, then disappeared quickly towards North.

This observation is of a priceless richness:  it shows that the UFOS have a system of propulsion formed of two antagonistic structures;  it is our Earth in miniature! 

I observed myself, in the countryside where I lived, at the end of September 1994, by a beautiful clear evening, during a few seconds, a" cigar" that passed  a few hundred meters from me, moving South to North, whereas I observed the sky while dreaming...  I distinctly saw a kind of long imposing fuselage,a Boeing  without wings, the front  illuminated by a kind of  yellow-reddish hallation and, at the back, on the higher part of the tail a large l blue-violet light that  pulsated.  All that without noise, in a few seconds,àt some two hundred meters of altitude and at a very moderate speed, it disappeared behind the roofs of the houses on my  right-hand side.  It's only a few days later, by unceasingly brooding over it, that I reconsidered with these two opposed luminous structures, one in front, the other at the back...

A last interesting observation  is that of a Polish peasant who had a  closer meeting, in Poland, in Emilcin, May 10, 1978.  I can't, alas,  reproduce the integrality of this meeting brought back by L.D.L.N   n° 299, of September-October 1989. Wolski, our hero, is  embarked by two extraterrestrials, in the morning, in a clearing.  They obliged him  to be stripped, auscultated him, and got him dressed again.  He returned with his carriage and its horse to the house as quickly as he could. He told his sons his adventure and they  ran towards the clearing...Nothing....  A child will affirm that he had seen the saucer flying over his house.  The object had however left traces in the clearing.  It did not have the shape of conventional flying saucers .  Its general form was that of a house!  I quote L.D.L.N.    p.26: 

At the four corners, at middle height,  black vertical "barrels", carrying something like helicoid surfaces which evoke corkscrews.  These black bars turned very quickly.  Their diameter was about 30 cm.  As for the < < barrels > >, here are their approximate dimensions:  height, approximately

 one meter;  diameter, 80 cm.  Perhaps, the black bars could be 1,5 m long approximately...

... It is an exceptional adventure...  It occurs in daylight and, if the witness is not an engineer  to note with precision, he notices the main things...  The machine was with a few meters above ground-level and constantly remained in hovering.  Very weak buzz, the bars of the" corkscrew"  turning on and on...  It is still, in my opinion, a very good illustration of structures undoubtedly antagonistic, of four engines turning in the same direction.... whereas the engines turning in contrary direction were placed, undoubtedly, in the high part.  The investigator precise:  < < Wolski himself wondered what could  the attic...hide???  > >

 Considering, in addition,  the observations of the XIXth century,  an interesting element was the more or less extreme and solid matter rejection, these kinds of slags were sometimes announced  in recent observations of UFOS.  The most obvious case of the need for a fuel < < material > >, with the image of the magma of the terrestrial mantle, used by the extraterrestrial ones, appears in an observation made many years ago , by a whole family of Argentinian peasants, one night at Trancas, in Argentina, October 21th, 1963 (n° 584," Chroniques of the extraterrestrial appearances",by Jacques Vallée, Edition Denoël, 1972. 

Six strange objects observed during forty minutes caused a local panic.  One of them was suspended on the level of the ground...   While another with dome and windows, was held close to it .When the witnesses had illuminated the scene a short moment the house was flooded by a powerful luminous ray.  The temperature rose and one noted an odor of sulphur.  In the vicinity of the first disc one saw silhouettes.  Each of the six objects was fitted with two luminous rays, a white and a red;  they measured eight meters in diameter and left a white cloud of smoke. 

This quotation is incomplete.  I read more interesting details in  Phénomènes spatiaux  n° 33. 

A kind of luminous tunnel was established between two saucers ,one appeared in difficulty.,  Humanoïdes carried materials towards the latter. 

When the UFOS. set out again, the witnesses of the scene note that it remained, at the place of the unit in difficulty, a small monticule of pellets.  Later on, the pellets were analyzed:  it was an unequal mixture of carbonates of calcium and potassium. 

A last example, to support my thesis.  During the flight Apollo 15 and lunar landing, Wordden, who was on  circumlunar standby, exclaims suddenly,when flying over the hidden part of our satellite:  < < Batches of Christmas trees.  >>...  Christmas trees?  What came to make here these" many Christmas trees" on the hidden face?  Why this code to indicate slag monticules on the surface of the moon, on the only hidden face.  NASA spoke about scoriae... I never saw, in Ardeche, for example,  scoriae in the shape of spoil heaps...The NASA knew what it was....

The preceding examples give us an idea on the antagonistic structures of a gravitational engine and on the fuel which we could use.  The whole is to cause the fusion of the fuel and to ensure its rotation in the form of swirls, in helicoid forms, with simultaneous production of an electromagnetic field in each structure...

We know that physics distinguishes four fundamental forces (or fields or interactions): 

° the gravitational interaction,

° the electromagnetic interaction,

° the weak interaction (work of Kervran),

° the strong interaction (which governs the cohesion of  atoms).

I think that in the sun or our planet, there is production of a gravitational field per interaction between two strong fields, one located in the northern hemisphere, the other in the south.  These two strong fields are opposite or antagonistic.  Each one of them is created by a reaction between an electromagnetic field and a structure by weak interaction in rotation...

In a star or a planet, it is the core which plays the role of engine for the two extremely antagonistic systems.  As long as there will be fuel to feed the baby-cores and their movement, the gravitational field will be very significant. 

I invite the reader to read the figures and the notes attached (figures 9 and 10) which are,  as it seems to me, much more  clear.

On the solar and terrestrial level, G  represents the northern hemisphere, subjected to the current of convection of Coriolis towards the left.  In a UFO., it is the higher engine.  On the solar  and terrestrial level D  represents the southern hemisphere, subjected to the current of convection of Coriolis towards the right.  In a UFO., it is the lower engine. 

A machine having a frontal engine and two antagonistic engines at the back, would be very powerful

These three engines would be placed in  triangle! 


I used the idea of the dynamo with self-excitation to obtain a powerful electromagnetic engine  , The wings or < < corkscrews > > mentioned previously seem essential to me to contain the rock used as fuel.  If it is carbonate of calcium and potassium the slag of < < transmutation > > will give iron [ to re-examine the iron layers in Lorraine, within a calcareous solid mass!]  as for the meteor seen in India in the XIXth century. 

If it is sodium, we will undoubtedly have  waste composed of  carbonaceous and nitrogenized matters.  Let the genious handymen  try their chance....Pay. attention to the end of the calefaction of liquid matters ... it can be explosive! 

If we want  humanity to survive the second lunar laying  prepared by our Earth, it would be urgent to awake and act according to this word of C.  Tsiolkowski:  < <  Earth is the cradle of humanity.  But one does not pass all his life in a cradle. > > (Quoted by Daniel Benest, planets, p 5, Editions du Seuil, 1996.



In 1974, in my book Universal Calefaction  mentioned by Kervran, I announced, in connection with the  caléfactory end of our moon (towards-90000 years before J.C.)  and which caused on our satellite an .exacerbated volcanism during nearly 1000 years - Haroun Tazieff always denied the origin purely meteoritic of the lunar craters!  - I thus announced, that future space explorations will not fail to bring surprises to us and that it could be well that one of them shows us a Jupiter satellite or Saturn satellite at the end of calefaction.  It is what arrived in the Eighties.  Io and Triton,  respective satellites of Jupiter and Neptune are in full revolution! It is what the scientists call today < < a blazing volcanicity > >.

I, in 1974, called this phenomenon, , < < end of calefaction or  caléfactory explosion > >.  It is all the system core-mantle which disaggregates,by sheer lack of magmatic fuel ...  If this phenomenon had been announced or provided by one of our pontiffs... what < < bells of Trumpet of Fame > > - one would  have heard on television or on radio! 

In this book, I envisage painful events for our humanity at the time of paroxysms of the interaction  southern baby-core and northern baby-core.   This event would be a repetition, towards 2005-2006 (every 11 years approximately) of the terrible earthquakes of end 1995-beginning 1996. 

Between the active phases of this cataclysmic cycle, we will have also very short seismic events and very violent ones (< < jerks > > in language of geophysicists) which are moments of rupture of the magnetic fields that I call < < extracurrent of rupture of the magnetic field > > since it was already known in electromagnetism in the XIX th century.  These < < jerks > > announce the calm period or < < rest > > of the baby-cores.  They are, in my opinion, dangerous because it is one of them which will be the trigger which will fall on the northern baby-core to lock it and to cause its caléfactory explosion, expelling the southern baby-core which will become the second moon. This mechanism,in fact, is rather simple and points out the ejection of a ball by the detonating agent  contained in the case of a cartridge... under the shock of the trigger. 

It is still, here, a very personal theory which I've worked out after... 40 years of reflections! 

I do not claim to have found the ultimate theory explaining the birth, the life and the death of a planet or a satellite, however, I let the reader judge.  He will think , after having read my work... and the  < < official > > works that:  < < the best theory is only that which, at a given time, explains the most facts. > >  (Planted Gaston, 1854.) 

Abscon, March 24, 1998. 




New ideas on the birth

life and death of a planet

and of a satellite

by Joseph GLAPA

It is a phenomenon that I' ve deepened little in my book:  ' ' new Ideas on the birth, the life and the death of a planet and  of a satellite ' ', it is that of ' ' the Jerks ' ' or solar explosions, close to the poles, with expulsion of formidable matter jets.

This cataclysm is periodic and appears, on our star, at the end of the period of maximum of activity ,announcing  the calm period that will follow [ cf, my book p 44 ]

This phenomenon would be due to a rupture of magnetic field and was known in the 19th century under the name ' ' the extra - current of rupture of  magnétic field' '.  It is, with the  caléfactory explosion that gives  a nova, the essential engine of the expulsion of planets...;  in our Earth, it is quite the same process for the expulsion of a satellite.  But on our globe, before leading to this extreme stage, it especially plays a role much more interesting in the genesis of the plates of the lithosphere in the northern hemisphere.  Indeed, it seems to appear at the end of the period of maximum of activity of the baby cores, as for the sun. 

Thus, in 1902, there are a series of earthquakes and volcanic explosions  in the Antilles and in Central America (Bolivia).  Everyone knows the horrible destiny of St Pierre during the explosion of the volcano of the Pelée mountain, in Martinique, in 1902.  This paroxystic working life of the baby cores is completed in 1904 and the rupture of the reverse magnetic field  created or Jerk will expel enormous quantities of lava by the médio-Atlantic break. This matter contribution will inevitably ' ' weigh' ' on the north-continental plates, in particular on the circumpolar areas which, in-depth, subside of one to several meters...  It is a phenomenon known of the geophysicists and called ' ' isostasy ' '..., but the exact cause, that I have just given, was not cleared up... Thus in 1904, a surface of 400 km X 100km, in Canada, in the East of Terre Neuve, sank in one hour, of one to several meters into the Atlantic Ocean.  This phenomenon is interesting because it enables us to explain the formation of the carboniferous layers, especially in the boreal continent, during the primary era..but also during the tertiary era, in China and on our premises in the Jura. 

After each significant matter contribution in the circumpolar area, in the primary era,or carboniferous period, the neighbouring coasts subside and in fact successive stages, superimposed sometimes even well, are formed in steps. 

Sands, mixed with salt or sodium chloride, hidden and overheated give birth, starting from Si(silicium) and  Na, to carbon layers, by transmutation by weak energy of SI into Na then into NH4 and CH4 as I 've shown in my book.  In China, during the tertiary era, these subsideses are very marked and this country has today an enormous layer of carboniferous Jurassic ,laying from the south-west to the North-East. 

It is, I repeat it, the successive accumulation of matter in the form of lava at the edge of the rifts and oceanic breaks which weighs on the close plates and causes the depression of the coasts, it is called isostasy...

We know that the Eastern coast of current China border three series of rifts and plates which clash in the East of Japan.  They are thus  primary and tertiary sandbeaches which give the carboniferous layers that we exploit today.  Our minors walk on what were ' ' the Meds' clubs ' of the last eras! ....

But let us return to these successive matter contributions in the Northern hemisphere.  They explain the reason why  our sphere has most of the solid continents in the Northern hemisphere and  immense Océans in the South especially.  The moon presents the same aspect:  the hidden face (Northern hemisphere) includes only mountains and no depressions in the form of ' ' seas' ', like the visible face or the Southern hemisphere.... Mars very recently, showed exactly the same mountainous  structures in the Northern hemisphere and depressions or immense plates in the Southern hemisphere, with non-existent magnetic inversions in North where the lava was ejected during the rupture of magnetic field and hence does not carry  the mark of  an opposite magnetism. 

In addition, it is by studying more closely this phenomenon called ' ' jerk' ' in our sun that I could put forth a very new assumption on the creation of the rings of giant gas planets:  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. 

In an article of the review ' ' La Recherche ' ' entitled ' ' the Rings of Planets ' ' of January 1986, vol17, p 40, Andre Brahic, astronomer and specialist in the small solar bodies presents these rings as remainders of the cloud of dust which would have formed, by accretion, the planets and some of their satellites... but this accretion  has never been observed  in space but always supposed!      The Saturn's rings, the richest on the matter, appear like  a' 'microgroove  ' ' i.e. formed of thousands of furrows.  For my part, this tenuity and this quantity suggest a creation much more logical.  The giant planets are still alive , like the sun, or our Earth.  They thus know the same phenomena as the latter:  maximum of activity of baby- cores (even virtual since their existence does not appear at the present time)...  and especially same ' ' jerks ' ' or explosions due to the ruptures of magnetic fields.  Never as for our Earth, these phenomena were  taken into account by the contemporary astronomers and geologists. 

What a gap!     

On giant planets,if the periods of maximum of activity are as frequent as on our premises (approximately every 11 years) each Jerk  expels, especially in the Northern hemisphere, matter in gas form, therefore much lighter than our lava. At very high altitudes, this gas is ' ' captured' ' and ' ' evacuated' ' by tension fields of the magnetic field and escapes, the centrifugal force helping, to form rings.  These periods of expulsion, since the birth of these planets, occurred thousands of times hence the aspect ' ' thin' ' and ' ' microgroove' ' of the Saturn's rings for example... These rings are not the remainders of a process ' ' of accrétion' ' : the limit of Roche, which would explain their formation (since within this limit the accretions are impossible!)  is quite elastic when it is noted that the level E of the Saturn's rings possess  satellites ! * 

These rings are the result of cyclic gas matter expulsions,and these expulsions which are very well observed in the gas stars just  like in our Sun.There are   many stars equipped with rings of dust much more significant.  They are called ' 'planetary  nebulas ' ' because the official theory of accretion sees there the "nest" of future planets. 

They are very young stars, extremely active,just like  our sun at  its birth.  These rings are created by matter expulsions.  They are not the remainders of ' ' a  primitive nebula' '. 

In our solar system, one finds the trace of these primitive star rings, far behind Neptune and his satellites.  It is what is called the belt of Kuiper, located at - beyond Pluto and still further , at one year sunlight;then the space of OORST which would contain million asteroids that, in fact are  the vestiges of the primitive ring of dust surrounding our sun after its birth and ejected by the latter whereas it was still ' ' a planetary  nebula ' '. 

This primitive ring distended until the current limits because of the two novae that upset our solar system to give , by planet layings, and not by accretion, its current face. 

(* This expulsion seems to be observed by American astronomers in 2000, in the form of ' ' a "hat" of gas matter  - above the Saturn North Pole!  )   

All that I have just exposed pleads in favour of another origin of these rings, as well planetary as stellar one....Formal astronomy explains NOTHING when speaking of "accretion"never observed but allways supposed ! It is not scientific....

This total silence which surrounds this phenomenon of ' ' jerk' ', with regard to our Earth ,is worrying.  We know that the  primary, secondary, tertiary eras  knew great successive depressions of the plates in the Northern hemisphere.  We know that during the quaternary, there were several transgressions or  marine regressions  after the great glaciation whose climax happened around -90.000 years approximately.

A first transgression appears around - 80.000 years ,then another towards - 40.000 years.  It is towards - 7.000 years before J.-C. that the transgression  known as ' ' flandrienne' 'took  place.  It is undoubtedly at that time that England was separated from the continent to become an island. 

The activity of the volcano of Puy de Dôme, in France, would go up with - 10.000 years.  It preceded by little that of the Killian crater that recovered it  partially ; back to 8.300 years(  carbon-14 analysis, (La Recherche:Avril 1986 p.498)

This agreement of activity between the volcanos of Mediterranean latitude and ' ' the transgressions ' ' in northen Europe make think of nowadays  activities.  It is known that the sea level has gone up of 100m for 12.000 years.  This increase is not due primarily to the melting of the polar and circumpolar glaciers.  The paroxystic activity of the baby - cores, every 11 years approximately, and its end in the form of ' ' Jerk ' ' or matter expulsion of which  we have spoken,  (as we 've seen at the beginning of this additive for Canada and  Terre Neuve) is the true cause of the last catastrophes.  Thus , Iceland, primarily formed of lava was created ,and is  always smoking. 

In the Northern hemisphere, after the maximum of activity of the baby-  cores in years 2005 -2006,the Jerk will occur towards 2007 -2008, and if the ejection of lava is significant on the circumpolar level of the Northern rift , there are strong chances  that our coasts of Netherlands , Belgian and Flandrian  are to collapse ! Just like at the primary era, a carboniferous era of successive depressions has already started, as we have just shown it.   Towards 2007 - 2008, Holland  may sink in one hour, as it was the case of the eastern Terre Neuve, in Canada, in 1904.  And nobody, nobody among this scientific world to point out this obviousness or this strong probability! 

It is true that we lived a so beautiful festival of the sun, in this August 1999.!

Julius Ceasar has invented our modern world  and he has got a great number of imitators....

In 7 or 8 years, joy will change into tears.  Poor humanity!

In Abscon - August 1999.